
Should you wave thank you when you're backing out of a parking spot?

by Guest59616  |  earlier

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And the guy in back of you lets you out but is wanting to take your spot?




  1. Always, it is always better to be thankful than not! By the way Thank you!

  2. I do - whenever another driver does something nice for me - even if it is for him/her in the end, it's still nice.

  3. I do. It's polite.

  4. Yes.

  5. No gesture is required in this case.

  6. Well, considering that the guy waiting for my spot is usually blocking traffic, causing a dangerous and annoying situation, I don't feel too compelled to wave at him (and I'm normally a friendly driver), but it really depends on the situation.

  7. Exactly what she was talking about the world evolving has nothing to do with evolution idiot. So report me it was worth it to be able to recognize an Idiot.

  8. I always do

  9. Yes, saying thank you is always nice.

    However, if you do back out as a result of someone stopping traffic for you and you subsequently hit something (say, a shopping cart or small child), you are still at fault even though they "let" you out. Reason being is that right-of-way cannot be given/taken away. It is also your responsibility to clear to the rear prior to backing.

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