
Should you work on ur abs everyday or give them a day break?

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Should you work on ur abs everyday or give them a day break?




  1. I tried to flatten my stomach with crunches...did them for three minutes straight without stoping at all...never again! I had a neck cramp that lasted a week! Give your abs a rest okay? You need at least one day to recover.

  2. Well the abs recover much quickly than any other muscle in the body. So you can skip a day and then do it the next day then skip again, and repeat this cycle. You'll see a steady incline about how much crunches you can do, and you might want to try a variety of crunches to keep form getting bored. Also challenge yourself, workout in the gym, do some weighted crunches. And try to keep the workouts 15mins per day when working your abs. Good luck and train hard!!!!

  3. 3x a week in intervals with rest days inbetween  

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