
Should young offender-teens between the age of 12&17 be treated more lentiently than adult offender? why?

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Should young offender-teens between the age of 12&17 be treated more lentiently than adult offender? why?




  1. No, most of the things they do are premeditated, and destructive. Their parents should serve time right-along side of them, then maybe they would have a family closeness they  lacked before

  2. I think how they are treated greatly depends on the details of the crime they committed and the closer they are to the age of 18. I don't think you can just say one or another because some people are more powered by the influence of others and therefore are more impressionable and likely to act based on these impressions. Where as others may not be influenced by other people and therefore their act is solely their responsibility because it is their own "creation".

  3. Yes. They are still mentally young and can change. How ever if the charge is murder than they should be put in a youth ward till 18 and reassessed, that is my "short" answer.

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