
Should your age affect how you dress?

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Ok... so i love the "emo/scene/skater/punk/goth/ style

all of it

love it

i dress a lil more emo i guess u could say

sometimes with tutus XD

and bright leggings..

but yea

do u think that as i get older i shouldn't dress this way?

i mean

do u think its ok for a 20 somethin yr old to still be like that??

im really into fashion

and i dont ever want to change..

and it scares me

but i dont think that age should make a difference

and u should express yourself...





  1. your styles change as you get older. age alone should not factor in the way you dress. your style will show others your level of maturity. that's why you typically don't see emo/punk style on anyone over the age of 21. you grow up and out of it and society pressures most to dress a certain way.

    but if you are in the creative field of work like an artist or similar then that style goes along with that.

    if you continue to dress emo/punk after maybe age 21 you might have difficulty getting certain jobs because it will look like you aren't mature enough to handle responsibilities that would go along with it.

  2. It should. Think if you saw an 80 year old in baby clothes. It just wouldn't look like those clothes fit the person. You change as you grow up. So you shouldn't always wear the same clothes. But, you can still express yourself.

  3. Well, I think by the time your 20, your style will change, unless your 18 or 19 now. But the style now has been more scene and punk, and it will eventually change.

  4. woah nice i have sorta like your style! emo/scene/punk/skaterish but i just call it my style not to big on the labeling things.

    I'm not gonna change the way i dress as i go older. I mean if i like it i should wear it. but some things you're gonna have to let go. like tutus. i have this tutu that has black dripped paint on it. I like it a lot since my mom and i made it together but as i grow older it upsets me since i won't be able to wear it. Course besides that arm warmers, leggings, ect. You can still wear that because i see many who do. But you have to tone your styles down as you get older and look more "proffessional"

  5. To some degree it should; if you're older, half-shirts and skirts should be avoided, when I say older I mean when things start to sag and get wrinkly. No one likes to think about aging, or the physical changes that come with it, but there are just some things you need to bow to. Clothes that show certain parts of the body should not be worn at an age LONG after anyone would want to see them. Jeff Foxworthy put out  a few "redneck fashion tips", but I think they go whether you're a redneck or not.

  6. Fine till' you're in your later 20s....around 27 you should consider toning it downa bit...or you look like someone who got stuck in a particular era.

  7. I don't know. I'm just about to turn 15, so don't take my opinion that seriously. I dress like that and I love it. But when you get older you might want to tone it down a bit & just make sure you wear the appropriate clothes to work and business stuff. But for like shopping and hanging out with friends embrace the emo side. :)

  8. Well unfortunately I think it should. Unless you have a job at home or as a designer people won't take you as seriously and quite honestly I don't want to see a little old grandma dressing emo with a tutu, although it's cute now. You can still express yourself as you get older but more subtly so you can have people take you seriously. Like you can get an emo/scene/skater/punk/goth style bag or shoes but more professional clothes.  

  9. Well, I think it's ok. It kind of depends on your situation. If you're trying to get an office job, you really need to be more proffessional. You can still incorporate that style of look, but tone it down. Age is significant in how you dress, but more important is the situation that you're in. If you're a college kid or a twenty something without a good job, then yeah, how you dress now is fine. But as you get older, closer to thirty, I'd tone down a lot. The emo thing is kind of like a rebelling teenager and to keep that look especially as you get older will prevent you from getting where you want to go.

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