
Should your health insurance premium be cheaper if you don't make claims against it and keep your health?

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Or is that just because your were lucky and you should be willing to help others who were not so lucky?

I pay $4000 a year for the plan Hillary wants to give to the American people!




  1. The whole principle of insurance is shared risk.

  2. yes, but Hillary's plan will leave out certain essential needs for most people, and will prohibit our choosing our doctors and what services we may receive, while allowing politicians in Washington to choose for themselves where they go and what they get. That will be the VIP Dem's healthcare plan. Sorry, you don't qualify.

  3. And then when you actually do get sick as all of us do at some point, your premiums go through the roof?

    No thanks.

  4. I'm not sure about your question. Health insurance rates don't go up or down because you do or don't file a claim. They base it on a regional/national average of expenses of everyone in that plan. It is also dependent on your age, location, previous health history, etc. Your state controls the cost not the federal government. I think the same things goes for auto insurance. You can live in the rural parts of Georgia and pay $50 less a month in premiums, but if you live in the middle of Atlanta, you are charged probably the highest premium. The insurance is based on an actuarial formula (no one knows what that is by the way).

  5. No, I don't think you understand how insurance works.

  6. Your premiums should be lower if you have less claims, and that should hold true for health and auto/home insurance.  However, those that don't use their insurance (file claims) are forced to pay the higher premiums to offset the filthy rich insurance companies costs for those that do file claims, as well as to cover lawsuits by some of those filers, and to fill the insurance companies' pockets with profits.

    With Hilary or Obama, all the honest hard-working Americans will have to pay for the lazy, and then some.

  7. way would i need health insurance if i never got sick or never used it

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