
Should your pet get mad when you refuse to give piggyback rides ...?

by  |  earlier

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.... I mean Eleanor, my Elephant is pouting because I only gave her three rides today .... and let me tell you .... she .... gets motion sickness something awful




  1. Oh, is that why you look like a pancake with a hat on. Are the critters inside OK?  Do we need the Medics?

  2. I guess you have to say no some times

  3. Were you wearing hip waders too? Just trying to help her over the fence, right?

  4. sure eleanoris  sensitive

  5. I would be p%$%ed off!

  6. If it's a cat or dog then yes.

  7. I can take your place.

  8. WOW! You have an elephant! Thats amazing! Gosh. Of course you should keep giving her piggy back rides not matter what because shes an elephant!!!!! :)

  9. God, elephants are terrible aren't they?

  10. just smack him with a shoe

    that usally does it (:

  11. i'm thinking that maybe it's her turn to give you a piggyback ride?  

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