
Should your significant other know how many people you've had s*x with and vice versa?

by Guest58928  |  earlier

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I am taking up a little survey for myself. I am wondering if you feel you should tell the person you are about to marry how many people you've had s*x with and who they were. Do you think you should tell them and do you think they should tell you.

Please tell me your age. Your gender. and Your opinion on this.




  1. 36/F and yes I would like to know...and hope they are being honest with me.  I don't want to be with someone who slept with tons of people/

  2. Honestly, it's none of the other person's business.  As long as you two are healthy, then there's no reason to reveal your "number".  Usually, no good comes of it.

  3. I'm 33, been married for fifteen happy years and was a little promiscuous in my past. I told my husband everything, not really for him even though I felt he should know the person I was before him, but I mainly did it for me, to see if he still loved me and he did. I'm glad I was honest int he first place, I know a woman who chose not to tell her new husband anything about her past lovers and he found out in a bad way. Think of how embarrassing it would be for your husband to become friends with one of your ex lovers and never know it and what if that new friend then just happened to mention it ~uurrgg That would be kinda sticky huh?

  4. 24, female and yeah my husband knows who I slept with and vice versa. he has met a few people I have had s*x with and I have him. Its not really a big deal to me.  

  5. No.  It's nobody's business unless you feel like disclosing.  I will admit I have been curious to know about others but if they refused to say or ignored the comment then I would let it go and not ask again.  Btw I'm female.  

  6. 21, F

    I think it's important to tell how many people you've had s*x with when the partner asks. But, you don't have to tell if they don't ask. Knowing about a person's sexual history is a must, especially when someone has STD/HIV.

  7. Yes!  

  8. I'm a 38 year old female and I think YES, definitely.  the number of past sexual relationships tells a lot about a person.  

  9. 38/M

    h**l NO!

    Why?, So they can think of everyone of them, throw it in your face when it's conveinent, and wonder, am I not as good as them? Are You Kidding! Don't ask the Question, you might not like the answer!

  10. hey im 17 female, and i prob dont know about getting married but im just thinking whsat i would like,, id like my partener to tell me if he has had s*x before and what age did he start,,,,,, anything else afterwards he can tell me only if he wishes

  11. 30 yr old, male.

    It depends on how may people you slept with. It also depends on what your partner might consider to be "a lot" or "too many."

    If you slept with more than 10 guys and he thinks that is a lot, then maybe you shouldn't bring it up if he's not asking. It will require a lot of explaining and might make him think about things he was not thinking about before you brought it up.

    If you've slept with 3 or less guys then maybe you don't have much to lose. Just don't go talking about how good they were in bed or anything like that.

  12. age 24  Female   Never tell, unless he is your first and only.  However blood tests are always nice.  Especially don't tell if those people are still in your life.  

  13. I'm in my 30's, f

    starting off a relationship by reliving the past is setting it up for failure already. So No-don't bring up the past.

    There is no future in a person who lives in the past.

  14. Yes

    You can get it off of your chest.

  15. I'm female, 27 and married.

    No, you do not need to tell your partner how many people you slept with.

    The important thing is to do blood tests and an STD panel check, to make sure you didn't pick up anything from anyone.

    This kind of information does not need to be shared.  It's only harmful to the person that hears it.  They will use this information as a basis for confirming/defining future problems you might later have in your future together.

    The only reason you'd share the number of sexual partners you've had, is when you have a health issue and you need to split the list with him so he can help you find the person, and call everyone to tell them that you're sick, so they might also be and that they should get checked out.

    Otherwise, you keep the number (unless you want to brag) to yourself.

  16. F. 32

    I think its important to be as honest with your partner as possible.

    No need to give out total details or make excuses for the things you've done in the past.

    It is what it is.

    In the end, none of it really matters.

    If the person asks, answer it. If he/she cant deal with the answers, perhaps it'd be time to find someone else who can.

  17. Im 19 and female. I think that sometimes it could be OK. For instance I know how many ppl my guy has been with but he told me that he didnt want to know how many ppl I have been with because it is my personal " # ". ( he has been with 9 and me the same). I would not have had a problem telling him because i know that he would feel no different about me. That being said, I dont think on the first date while eating mozzerella sticks you should yell out " OK I HAVE BEEN WITH 9 PPL WHAT ABOUT YOU??? LOL

  18. I am 28/f and my man is 40. I was a virgin when I met him, but he certainly wasn't one. I've never asked his "number" and I think I'd rather not know. Since we've been together, he's only been with me and that's all that matters.

  19. F / 45   No I don't think partners need to know.

  20. 23 female yes before my husband and I had s*x i had to know how many people he had been with. and I told how how many i had been with. yes can give you some type of idea about his s*x life and what he is about. it is never good to have s*x with too many people no good reason at's nasty.

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