
ShouldYoung children play competitive sports why or why not?

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ShouldYoung children play competitive sports why or why not?




  1. Only if they have an interest in playing team sports.  I learned to hate every team sport, will not do anything that involves competition, cannot stand being around people when I work out because of gym class in school.  The best time any of us ever had was rainy days and we could do whatever we wanted with the equipment in the gym (the only time we ever got to play 4-square or Red Rover) or play board games.  I was always a loner but now I'm a loner with an aversion because I was forced to participate.

  2. how young?  8 or 9 is a reasonable age, 10 - 12 a normal age, 3 - 5 the fashionable, but not good for kids, way.

    before age 5, what kids basically need is mommy.  it's great to get together and play with friends, but they don't need adults imposing structure, rules, and mandatory practice on what should be play.

  3. Competitive sports are always good for kids as long as they aren't simply being taught that you must always win.  It should also be a lesson in team playing losing and self confidence. And the child should just be put into the sport to occupy time that could be spent with the family.  Sport time should be incorporated into family time so the child feels supported.

  4. Yes.....but it should always be fun for them, not just competitive!

  5. I say they can i wouldnt start them to early but it is good to teach them how to be conpetitive and to learn to be a good sportsman instead of being a sore loser. It teaches them to get along with others.

  6. Absolutely!  Giving a child a chance to compete gives them a sense of pride.  It also teaches them humility.  Being a good sport is one thing that many adults lack these days.  We don't pat others on the back and say I'm glad you got the promotion, you deserved it"  we have a tendency to say just the opposite.  In sports children can learn to be good winners and good losers.  It prepares them for life!

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