
Shoulder pain from football need a lil help plzz?

by  |  earlier

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well i play JV football and im usaully hitting a lot with my shoulder but the pain inst going away.ive had the pain since football started 2 weeks ago. The pain is so bad it hurts even with my arm sitting there. it is in constent pain when in use and for awhile after but it stops hurting after about 12min of no use, but as soon as i start hitting again it starts to kill. It was bruised for awhile but its not anymore at all. any advice? i have football everyday so i cant really rest it.




  1. this is AMERICA deal with it! in AMERICA u play with 3 herniated disks and a broken hand! AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. lol

  3. put ice on it and have someone massausge it or something i

    good luck

    hope it starts feeling better

  4. you should go see a doctor just to make sure it isnt really serious because it could prevent you from playing in the future.  also go see a physical therapist cause they can help you work it the right way and you can still play football.  i went to physical therapy and a lot of injured players came in but where still playing.  i would also recommend icing it every day maybe twice a day for 30 minutes.  it will help with the pain and help your muscles contract.  just try not to do anything painful and strenuous when you arent playing.  and try to rest as much as possible.

    but go see a doctor cause it could end up getting worse and then you will never get to play again. its happened to plenty of football players. my brother tore his ACL and never really got back in it.


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