
Shoulder pain (more details)?

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About a half hour ago I was brushing my hair and I had a knot I pulled hard and now my right shoulder is killing me.

Its totally fine unless I move my neck.

When I move it I get a sharp pain right next to my shoulder blade in the mid-top of my back.

I have put heat and ice on but its not helping.

I dont have the time or money to go to the doctors right now I'm leaving for vacation Saturday morning.





  1. icy hot or bio-freeze.

    I have shoulder pain all the time and that stuff usually helps.

    Believe me, when I was a kid I broke both my collar bones (not at the same time) and I marched the tuba for 2 years in high school. (just graduated)

    So my shoulder bothers me all the time.

    Or even better, find someone willing to give you massage.

  2. Ok here is a trick I learned for sore muscles. Take your right arm and cross it over you body, as though you were trying to itch your left armpit with it. Then take your left arm, and cross it over your body the same way, but have it go on top of your right arm, so that your left hand is resting on your right shoulder.(Like you are hugging yourself) Then have another person grab your elbows and pull on them so that your left arm is being pulled to the right and vice versa.(If you didn't get that, basically their right arm should pull your left elbow and vice versa.) It sounds complicated, but it should be easy to figure out, and you'll be able to feel it when its being done right. Have the other person pull really hard for about a minute or however long as needed, and when your release your arms it should feel really good.

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