
Shouldn't America and Muslim countries be great friends, since they are the only ones controlled by religious-

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nonsense? Since Europe, Canada and most of the world has advanced, but many in America still believe or pretend to believe in the God myth, doesn't this make the U.S. closer to Muslims than to the rest of the world?




  1. Another Atheist bigot what a surprise. I finally know why Atheist don't belief in God.These people think they are so much better then us little  mortals. So much more intellectually superior. Practically on with the Universe. How could there possibly be  God when Atheist are obviously as close to being God as you can get.

  2. You all wrong !  It's politics and not religion that control the world.  Religion had been used as smoke screen since day one and always will be by human being to cheat all the people with weak minds.

  3. Right!! Get a hobby and quit worrying about every body's Religion.

  4. Decode this lyrics " We are the world"

    "We are family"

    Look in the real world.

    Who advance in time?

    Who's being left behind with time.

    Still at loss and stranded stomping their feets on someone else graveyards.

    While the dead down there could not even rest in peace with all the stomping up there.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  5. If that were really true to the extent you seem to be claiming, we would have an official American religion (which some European countries do, by the way), abortion would be outlawed, the federal marriage amendment would actually get somewhere, and a slew of other unpleasantness.

    I don't like religion's minor hold in government either, but I think you're being a little extreme about it.

  6. Very interesting question. I really think that would be nice. But not possible.

    Then the world would be quiet, and peaceful.

    It's like wanting world peace all over the world.

    It's very unlikely.

    I wish for peace, all over.

    I feel bad for our Troops in Iraq.

    When will be an end to that.

    Which that would never happen.

    It's a good thought. Just ignore the immature answers on here.

    Hope I helped out. =)

  7. Believe, faith in God is a private matter of an individual. How can you claim that America or Muslims lagged behind coz the believed in God and at the same time how can you claim the whole of Canada or Europe is atheist like you. There are innumerable people living across the world, forget Canada or Europe, who believe in God as its theier private matter.

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