
Shouldn't America contract the Chinese to find Osama Bin Laden?

by  |  earlier

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I think America should contract the Chinese to find Osama bin Lauden. We give them everything else. They make our clothes, they make our toys, they make our computer parts ... they make everytying! Everything is made in china. America should give the chinese the contract to find this guy. I'll bet you anything they'll find that rat batard. They'll send their 2 million man army over there. The Chinese don't eff around! They'll go over there and catch those effing terrorists and get answers from them to find Osama.




  1. they are too busy Westernizing, trying to catch up with us~!!!

  2. No, Bin Laden is dead and has been for the last 6 years.  He died when US troops bombed the mountain cave he was hiding in at Tora Bora.  That's why we haven't seen any real or up to date videos of him in that amount of time.

  3. I like your attitude give him h**l, how about putting Mugabe on his trail and give the Africans a rest.

  4. The Chinese have waht- 100 million man army whe have a 3 million man army they wouldn't need UAC just send  their men to just take up postion with binoculars a long the Afghan pakistan border they'd find him in a day as they would beable to place one man every few square feet.

  5. Bin Laden is dead.... Watch this interview on bbc .... seriousley just watch this 1 minute clip...

  6. Ummm

    Even though I do not live in propose, that the MOST powerful country, put its hand up!

    Saying....''we  can't  find  him!  and well you make our clothes....

    and  well  everything...''  so can you play big brother, and take charge...and find the bad man...for us!

    Is that what your saying?

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