
Shouldn't American citizens vote 4 every bill that congress comes up with?

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when congress comes up with new taxes laws or policies . when we went to war it should have went to pole . we should be more envolved with desisions that envolve so many people




  1. I don't have time to keep informed on the legislation. Someone needs to be well informed, and read every sentence, when deciding on legislation. Besides, most Americans don't even take the time to vote for the Representatives, how would they find time to vote on all the legislation.

  2. Actually we are supposed to be a republic not mob rule. We are supposed to be voting in the people we trust most and who have the knowledge to make decisions based on what is best for us not themselves. I live in MN. and I've only been here for 5 years but the people in Hutchinson couldn't care less about their fellow human beings and I sure wouldn't want them making decisions that effect my life.  Are humans basically good or evil?

  3. yeah you`d think that would be the American way wouldn`t you..????

  4. Just a quick suggestion. Why don't you try reading all the legislation that has come before the House or Senate this year. It won't take you long to understand why your idea won't work. Hey, I'm running for office and it's all I can do to keep up with what's going on.

    John Ross Hendrix for United States Senate

  5. No, that would be a pure democracy and that would end up with mob rule.

    A republic type system can put in place unpopular taxes and laws, thus circumventing the majority.

    If that was not the case, woman still couldn't vote, blacks would be second class, and taxes would be non existent (maybe a good thing)




  6. Congress is elected to represent the will of the people. Unfortunately when they get into office they forget that and just represent themselves. They have full health coverage, life time retirement even if they only serve one term , insider trading, and take money from lobbyists in some form or another to pass laws and deals for those who can pay.

    That is why people need to be involved at the lowest level of government to stop the corruption from the bottom up.

    Many times have we heard lately the excuse that they didn't read the bill before they voted on it. If Mukasey can lie before congress that he doesn't know if water boarding is torture and still they vote him in for Attorney general what hope do we have? If I was on that committee I would have suggested that they first water board Mukasey and then let him decide if it's torture. Hitler must be rolling over in his grave (or ashes).

  7. We should have went to the pole?  Would that be the North or South Pole?

  8. That isnt how our system works.

    Its why we vote for people in congress to represent us.

  9. Asking for a public vote on every bill would waste a lot of time and money.  Most people don't care enough to stay informed about public policy.  Also, many bills contain sensitive information that could empower our enemies if they were made public knowledge.  That's why we elect representatives: to stay informed, pass legislation efficiently, and keep sensitive information secret.

  10. wish we could...we could get something done

  11. how about we have a cap on how many laws we have any new law has to be better than a old one to replace it.

    the law of 100

  12. Do you realize how many Bills get voted on and talked about every year. Not to mention the entire Bill is usually a book in itself as far as what it's achieving and how. It just wouldn't be possible in my opinion for people already working 40 hours a week to spend extra time reading up on every single Bill and then having time to make an informed vote.

  13. just cause we cant vote an everything doesn't mean people shouldn't stay informed these are the laws that effect our lives.

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