
Shouldn't DEMS be way more concerned about Obama's inexperience for President than Palin's for VP?

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Obama does not even have one year of experience in the US Senate! Plus if he isn't reading directly from a written speech he is dumber than a box of rocks!




  1. McCain is 72 years old.  Palin is not fit to be president.  Obama is fit for the presidency.  

  2. Actually, Obama has had a lifetime of politics. To get where he is now is the proof in the pudding. Ms. Palin is merely a figure of speech, in relation to presidential politics made only an issue by McCain's advanced age. He's too old to be president, even in a time of less troublesome world/national events. I think it was irresponsible for McCain to consider her for the veep spot, just to appear pro fem in an attempt to appeal to female voters. Obama made a much better pick for veep.

  3. Isn't this ironic.

    The libs were fervently defending Obama's inexperience and now

    the libs are bashing Palin's alleged inexperience.

    At least the libs are sticking to their old, worn out template.

  4. Yes, they should be, but they aren't making much sense about this due to their obvious state of panic.

  5. That would imply that they are voting for Obama because they actually think he's either qualified or the "right person for the job"...neither case is actually true. They're voting for him because they are in one of the following categories:

    a) g*y

    b) an environmental wacko

    c) a feminist/L*****n

    d) a child molester (see possibility "a")

    e) a criminal

    f) a minority

    g) mis-informed

    h) an anarchist

    i) dumb as a box of rocks

    j) a hater of America

    k) a hater of George W. Bush

  6. well let's take into account that she has less experience than obama but more importantly is that she is corrupt with an investigation against her. i guess this is why republicans chose her.

  7. The truth be known, they are.

    But you won't hear it from them - buyer's remorse has struck them twice, first with their nominee pick and again with his VP pick.

    They're apparently going for three out of three - Gore, Kerry and now Obama.

  8. Same old liberal double talk. Obambi has the experience because he is a Dem, Palin is a Republican so she could not have the experience that Obambi has. As long as they do it, it is fine, if anyone but them do it it is wrong.

  9. I respectfully disagree. And I have that right.

    Based on the issues, I've decided to park my tent in Mr. Obama's camp.

  10. I would agree with you on this. . .

    When I heard that attack by the Dems I almost fell out of my chair laughing because they are only drawing more attention to Obama's complete lack of experience.

  11. On the issue of experience, all I have heard from liberals is how Sarah Palin is not experienced enough to be a heart beat away from the presidency. She has THE SAME amount of experience as Barack Obama. Obama would not be a heart beat away, he WOULD BE the president from Day 1, with the same lack of experience as Palin. Why do liberals not get this fact??  

  12. He's way less qualified than Palin to be president.  I mean come on...someone with less than 1 term as a legislator and some state legislator experience vs. someone with governor, lt. governor, and mayorial experience?  Hello?

  13. It is laughable isn't it. She was a city council member, a former mayor, is the governor, took down the Rep political machine in HER OWN PARTY, has had dealings with the canadian govt, been on the ethics reform board, and knows the energy issue inside out and he was a community organizer that knocked off his opponents for state legislature where he voted present, and to top it all off, he has been running for president practically the whole time he has been in the senate.

    Well Gemini, I am a woman and will vote for Palin. Not every woman in America buys the "reproductive rights" argument.

  14. no what I am more worried about is this Palin women who wants to set women back 50 years.

    But thanks again for your opinion, which does not matter BTW!  McCain is going to lose.  Women are going to band together and not allow this traitor of a women anywhere near the white house

  15. Palin has commanded a military unit, worked with a legislation, both Dems and Republicans, had to make split second decisions in emergencies, formulate and work within a budget, head up deparments, make appointments to government positions. Senators, on the other hand give speeches. How can you compare the two?

  16. Personally, his lack of time in the good 'ol boys club is the attraction, he's not of the same ilk that has failed this country for the last eight years, experienced individuals have just about destroyed this country's credibility, his freshness and the fact that he is untainted is a plus. What we need is new blood with new ideas, not the same ol bull that results in increased wealth for the wealthy and harder times for the middle class. Hmm, somehow I dont think people as dumb as a box of rocks can get into harvard much less graduate. You might have to eat that.....

  17. You're totally right, Obama has never been Miss Wild Salmon, so how is he going to know how to run a country?  I was really impressed by Palin's answers in the "foreign policy Q&A" section of the beauty pageant.  I've always said that our presidential candidates should have pageant experience, what was Obama thinking?

  18. Obama, as a US Senator sits on these powerful committees:

    * Foreign Relations

    * Health, Education, Labor and Pensions

    * Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs

    * Veterans' Affairs

    Your own viewpoint about Obama's speaking abilities.  I expect Obama to clobber McCain in debates, and Biden will show up Palin without a doubt.

  19. We are not concerned. We know what we have.  Do you??? heh heh!!!!

  20. Seem to forget  the large number of people with little government experience that got the presidency: Lincoln, Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, Wodrow Wilson, F.D. Roosevelt, Truman [only a few years in the Senate and reach the presidency when World War II was still going], Eisenhower, Kennedy [only Johnson had lots of experience in the government], Nixon [out of office for seven years from 1961 to 1968 when elected], Carter [a peanuts farmer], Reagan [a Hollywood actor and small time as California governor] and Clinton. What's your problem? You KNOW that how USA's political system works. Even in Europe must leaders usually start as local leaders and rise to high positions in the party. Doubts? Just ask Margaret Thatcher or Tony Blair,

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