
Shouldn't Johnny Depp & Robert Downey Jr do a movie together?

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If they don't ever do a movie together, I'm going to cry. They have to. Robert DeNiro & Al Pachino finally did a movie together. Why not Johnny and Robert Downey do one? They are my favorite actors. They are the best. They are the Robert DeNiro and Al Pachino of our day.

Please God! Have them do a movie together!




  1. I'd like to see Sylvester Stallone and Al pachino in a movie. Perhaps Sly could play a bad guy in this one he's always the good guy who comes and save the day.

    Perhaps a mob movie or a cop and bad guy thriller. keeps you thinking till the end type thing. Both are great actors. Sly's my favorite hands down.

  2. Ive been waiting forever for this to happen. I love them both but Robert is my guy. They also had a similiar problem. They both were drug addicts and trouble maker. But They got over it and are doin better than ever. And lookin sexier as ever.

  3. h***s yeah :F

  4. Awesome idea

    did you know Dan Kamin (writer + performer) trained Robert Downey for Chaplin & Depp for Benny and Joon... only connection so far...

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