
Shouldn't Palin be at home taking care of her baby at this time in her life?

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Her Child has Down Syndrome.

I am not a Sexist. This young child needs extra special care




  1. lmao i love this , keep up the good work dems , if only more of you will keep running unwed mothers , unwed pregnant teens , and older people in office down , were gonna do good , your gonne push half the country who are democrats into the republican party , God save the politicaly and morally perfect in the white house office bj getting democrats lmao.

  2. Just because you say you aren't sexist, doesn't mean you are not. Ahem where do you think the child's father is. And really as a parent of a child with birth defects: you are taught early they do have special needs, but keep as normal a life as possible. Bravo Palin family.

  3. I don't think this question has anything to do with whether or not a person is sexist.

    I do not think that Palin should be running for VP...she has a infant that she should be breastfeeding and a grandchild on the way.

    She is not in a position to be 2nd in command of the US.

    She may hit a bad spell with post-partum depression, this can hit anytime in the first year after a baby is born, and then what?

    We will have a VP who cannot get out of bed, shower, decide what clothes to wear...let alone decide things for our Country.

  4. So now youre attacking Palin because she has a baby with special needs?  Low, very low.  I think she knows exactly how to care for Trigg without hypocrite Dems trying to knock her down, when they've been more compassionate in the past to families with disabled children.  

    In fact, if employers aren't sympathetic to that family dynamic, it could violate the Americans with Disabilities Act or FMLA laws.   I think as VP, she would have a multitude of resources at her disposal for the care of Trigg and treatments for the health problems that many with Down's face.  I trust her abilities to lead and parent.

  5. Unlike most Democrat mothers, she has a husband to help her.

  6. Yes, and Obama should be spending time with his daughters, especially since his father left him.

  7. no her daughter and Husband will look after it

  8. I hope the Dems keep up all this hate speech! All it does is push single mothers, teen mothers and mothers of teen mothers to the right! Thanks for the help!

  9. Who set you up to be 'God' to Sarah and her family?

  10. I think you need extra care.  First you leftist bone heads call women that stay at home Stepford Wives and when they do have a family  and a career,they're bad mothers.  Well, my man,Michelle has a career and kids.  She must be Mommie Dearest then.  You got spanked! Bam!  

  11. I'm sure she has "people" who do that sort of thing for her.

  12. No, remember with her ongoing experience  with all those kids at different levels of development, it makes her the best choice for dealing with Congress.

    Now if she had a parent or grandparent with alzhiemers and wearing depends undergarments she would be hands down the best choice.

  13. But if she was a Democrat it would be different huh?

  14. What kind of mother would still run for V.P. knowing that they have a 17 year old child, having a child!

  15. And I'm sure she will get it. God i love how all of a sudden the Dems have morals. What a joke the left is...

  16. Her baby will be far better taken care of than most - by her family, including her husband.

  17. I just wonder how much hate and bile lies in dems hearths and minds.

  18. I certainly don't have an agenda, and I thought the same thing.   I'm a Mom of very young children and this was my first question when I read about her.   How can a woman touting family values not be home bonding and raising her own baby with special needs?   That baby needs his Mother right now and that's more important than any job IMO.   I was undecided but after hearing about this, and how she went back to work two days after giving birth to her previous child and one day after this baby with special needs.. and about how she continued her speech when her amniotic fluid broke rather than getting to the hospital when she was pregnant and other things that just really bother me as a Mother, I am no longer undecided and will be voting for the Democratic ticket.   It seems to me she's forgotten or neglected her most important job which is to be a Mom and be there for her baby, choosing instead to work 20 hour days and leave her baby to be raised by someone else...which is her choice.. but then don't preach to me about family values and pro-life... there's more to being a Mother than just giving birth.    A young baby, especially one with special  needs,.. needs their Mother.    

  19. It shows the true colors of those "family value" candidates.   Once they leave the womb, they've got better things to do.  

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