
Shouldn't Sara Palin be baking cookies and taking care of her 5 kids??

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How is a woman with 5 kids going to run the free world if he croaks?

If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken.

The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they are both women. On the issues, they could not be further apart.

In addition, Sarah Palin is under investigation by the Alaska state legislature, which makes this more incomprehensible.

We wanted a woman that would protect and promote womens rights, not fight to take them away

she should be making chocolate chip cookies for the white house, not possibly running it.




  1. she would probably make a good 1st lady...but come on people!!!

  2. sexist/hypocrite or troll I can't decide

  3. Looks like she's done a fine job raising that beautiful family so far.  Tough cookie she is.

  4. amazing insight.  

  5. Isn't it you libs that preach that a woman can have children AND a career too? Hypocrite.

  6. She's married, her husband can help her.  It IS 2008 you know!  How dare you tell a woman of such accomplishment to essentially "get back in the kitchen".  You can try to smear Palin all you want but her ratings speak louder than your smears do.  You are sexist.  I'm voting for a candidate because I agree with their policies.    

  7. It's not 1950 anymore.  While I agree on some of your argument, no one will listen to it because of your first and last statements.

    Use your head.

  8. Don't worry about Sarah.  She does everything well and with ease.  I feel certain that she will make cookies if needed.

    Yes, Palin is being investigated.  However, there is nothing to it, so don't worry.  Do you really think that John McCain asked her without having her fully vetted?  Stop this smear.  Palin is very willing and very happy and welcomes the investigation.  It is unfounded to say the least.

    You are wrong about the Hillary Clinton women supporters.  Six of my friends are tickled pink because McCain picked such a powerful woman.  They did not want Obama, only Hillary, but now they want Palin.

    I see that The Democrats have already started their smear tactics with a stupid email that they sent around, saying that Palin had no experience, only as a mayor.  Did they forget that Palin is the only one of the three that are running with any governing experience?  She has been a governor for two years of Alaska.  The news stations are reporting that a Governor makes more decisions in one week than a Senator makes in a year.  Sorry, whoever you are, this smear tactic of yours will not work.  The Republicans do their research.  Your statements are without proof.  Please quit insulting The Yahoo Audience, as well as the American women.  Have you forgotten we are in the 21st century. ..cookies, my foot!

  9. If Palin should be baking cookies, what should Obama be doing since he less experience than her?  

    Watch yourself.  

  10. And one of the children is a four-month-old newborn.  Who is going to be watching these five kids while she's tromping around the country?  I thought the Republicans were the kings of family values?

  11. Wow!  It's amazing how the democrats get mad when a woman succeeds if she's a conservative.  You libs just can't help having a double standard.  I remember that Chelsea Clinton was sent off to boarding school so Hilary could work on nationalized health care when Bill was in office.  Were you so adamant that she stay home and bake cookies for Chelsea?  I don't suppose that it has occurred to you that several women occupy congressional  seats full time that have kids, and they are both democrat and republican.  I also notice your jab that Mrs. Palin is under investigation  by the state legislature?   You didn't say what nor do I believe you.  If there is any dirt in her background, she wouldn't have been nominated.  You're jumping on the bandwagon of wackos that have nothing better to do than to try and destroy anyone female or black that dares to be conservative.  By the way, if you wanted a woman that pretends to promote women's rights, talk to your man Obama.  He didn't even attempt to vette Hilary.  So much for your big tent hoopla that you libs are always espousing.  

  12. McCain made the right choice.  You want someone that has NO respect for life?  Someone who would allow partial birth abortion?  Someone who would deny medical aid to a baby who survived a botched PB abortion?  I am pro choice and I find it appalling that anyone would allow abortion at that late stage and even tossing a live baby into the refuse.

    You should apologize to your mother for this attitude.  What about Michelle Obama working full time, being involved in civic affairs with her husband maybe SHE should stay home and bake cookies since her children are younger than Palin.

    This Clinton supporter WILL be voting for McCain.

  13. Please...your stupidity does women everywhere a disservice.

    OBAMA for world peace.

  14. I assume you are a female, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  15. I'll take the skirt over a pantsuit anyday.

  16. not to mention she had a child only 4 months ago, and it has down syndrome....she need to spend some time with her family. Who has children in their's all her fault.

  17. You mean GOVERNOR Palin?

  18. Gov. Palin's hunky oilman husband does his part with their children while she is running Alaska.  I don't see any reason it should change if she ran the US.  Your "question" is offensive and inherently sexist.  Of course she's not Hillary -- that's one reason I like her.

  19. Go Lord child..........what planet are you from?  She's a professional!  She an Executive!  She's smart!  She's articulate!  She's more like every American women then Hillary ever was or will be!!!!  

    There are thousands and thousands of women with 3+ children that are CEO's and CFO's of HUGE corporations and they still drive their kids to soccer practice!  :)

    Why don't you volunteer to be her nanny?  I sure that's about all you will EVER be able to handle in life!

  20. Wow.  A liberal who is a sexist pig.  And you are a female.  You should be totally ashamed of yourself.

  21. Holy Hypocrite

    you libs are amazing!

  22. What a sexist. This is what generations of women have fought for. Women can have careers and families.

    Her husband can handle the kids and she can handle the VP spot.

    She's not running against Hillary. Too bad Obama didn't choose her.

    She should be home baking cookies? Amazing.

  23. Good luck Palin/McCain.  That is all I am going to say about that.

  24. i don't get her trying to say she's an average "hockey mom" when she's not, at least anymore.

    i would not leave 5 children and one who has down syndrome to be used to bait women by john mccain in an election.  i do not respect her at all.

    how is her husband taking care of the kids when he works for BP?

  25. it's obvious he is using her to try to get the women's vote and not because she is qualified

    but then neither is he

  26. No. She should be showing how little experience Obama has..

    Oopps I se the leftists are doing fine on their own.I see the sexist

    Democrats continue to expose themselves for the frauds they are.. I love it.

  27. So because you are a moron, that the only thing you know is bake cookies, you think that all women should be at your level? Get a life dumbo!

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