
Shouldn't Yahooanswers only be available to Americans?

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Since we're large and in charge.




  1. Yahoo should only be for smart people

  2. Uhg...people like you give America a bad name.  You need to go back to school if you think that America is the only place that has the internet.

  3. Now that's just plain silly. Large and in charge? Who told you that? That's too funny! Are you not aware that yahoo is basically worldwide? Did it ever dawn on you that www stood for world wide web?!?!?! Get a life sweetie

  4. Yes........ now give me best answer :P

  5. You're full of it, aren't you. Attitudes like that are responsible for the term "Ugly American".

  6. I'm not going to dignify this with an answer.

  7. No. I don;t think so. I personally value getting the perspective of others who are not American.  Other countries see things differently and can offer a fresh look at various topics which can be pretty insightful!

  8. I know your joking but That's kinda racist and it's seems even more racist because I'm Mexican.

  9. Yeah, maybe, then I wouldn't have to listen to blokheads like you.

    EDIT: I know you're joking, naturally. Especially when I see this question under Mythology and Folklore!

  10. Very funny.  There are many other countries that can answer the questions much better than the Americans.

  11. Yes.  Um, NO it should available to everyone.

  12. Right.  What do you think, people in other countries could not possibly have any questions or answers to contribute?  Please go back to your cave....

  13. sure, i'll call bush and tell him to bomb other yahoo answer sites. I'm sure they're hiding nukes somewhere.  

  14. Its called the internet, jeez!

  15. I hope you are joking.

    If not, please don't speak for all Americans.  

    What do you think we're "in charge" of?  Our government sticks its nose into every other country's business while letting our own go to h**l in a handbasket.

    In any case, it's interesting to gain different viewpoints from and learn things about other cultures.

  16. ha! large as in how & in-charge of what???????

  17. I bet you voted for Bush.

  18. I thought it was, the way Americans hi-jack the UK site.

    Or are they just Geographically inept, similar to their President.

  19. You guys are already in charge of all the wars, don't you get enough?

  20. cheers , all ways knew your americans had big EGO's must come from having such BIG waist lines lol

  21. Everyone is equal and has the same rights as you. I'm an American and the only difference between us is that you're an arrogant jerk .

  22. how very stereotypical , i actually love that they are other countries in here so that when i get fed up with this section mexico is waiting for me:)

  23. no your not in charge any 1 should be able to be use it  

  24. Why do most Americans think they're the best? I personally don't like America that much.  

  25. Ha ha, no!

  26. No, I disagree.

  27. LOL uhh so I suppose this means you subscribe to the "might makes right" philosophy huh?   Guess what, Canada is bigger AND we're on top. :P

  28. diamonds come in small parcels! are you fat?

  29. zzZzzngoOorkkKzzZz

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