I had high hopes for my ferret, Storm, to start regrowing his hair. The implant was put on June 23rd, a month ago, and so far no fur growth. In fact, he has LOST more fur (not a lot more, but it's noticable). He has more energy than he did before, but no hair growth. He eats well, plays well, pees and poops well.
Here's a picture of what he looks like right now. He is a dark sable. As you can see, he has a completely bald patch on his back, his sides are thinned, his neck is thinned up towards his head, even his back flanks and base of tail are thinned.
He DOES have a faint blue tint to his skin in the back bald patch. It has been there for about 2 weeks and I haven't noticed any hair growing there yet. Does it mean it still will?
Here's the picture: (sorry for the poor quality; it's a cell phone pic): http://i38.tinypic.com/2z6v31c.jpg
Do you think the implant will still grow his fur?