
Shouldn't blading be banned already??

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The wrestling may be slightly fake sometimes *results* but the moves are real and so is the blood. Blading another wrestler with a sharp object to make the blood flow has been going on for many years now, surely it should be stopped??




  1. Yes true, but wrestlers who have signed up with WWE know what will be happenening to them and they agree to it.;...

  2. why should it be stopped have u ever heard of anyone that died from a blade job in wrestling? no I don't think they should stop I think we need 2 see a little bit more of it

  3. i like a bit of blood every now and then, and wrestlers don't blade each other, they do it themselves, its all part of the show so sit back and enjoy!!!

  4. Why haven't Congress stepped in and banned blading yet? Surely the deaths of Brian Pillman, Owen Hart, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit should tell Congress that they need to ban blading.

  5. Blading is the easiest to bleed and it makes the matches more emotional and hardcore.

    Blading is dangerous including the Eddie Guerrero vs JBL match and The Mass Transit Controversy but that's wrestling they bleed for our amusement

  6. Blading has been around for years.

    Its one of the very few 'real' things left in wrestling. Now I know that the WWE are doing this whole kid-friendly thing but blading I beleive should be used in only extreme cases. Like for example to push a feud forward.

    Now I know this example wasn't exactly blading but does anyone remember a few years back when JBL first challenged Eddie Guerrero for the WWE title? Eddie hit JBL so hard with a chair that his face was pretty much split from ear to ear.

    Triple H still blades other wrestlers but they tend to keep it for the veteran wrestlers. Blading should still be allowed, but only for the guys who know how to do it safely.  

  7. They're doing it less. They're trying to appeal to kids and blading won't help. Parents want to know that their kids are able to watch WWE without all these crazy things.

  8. I'm sorry but I personally feel that some wrestling promotions have paperweight champions because of the limited amount of classic 2 out of 3 falls and hardcore matches. So no any object the Ref can't see should be legal  

  9. No. If the wrestlers don`t have a problem with it I don`t. Blood capsules aren`t quite as effective on the forehead.

  10. You're right about the blading since WWE is targeting kids but the blood is for teenagers who watch the shows, expecting sometimes for blood to flow

  11. True, but when was the last time you saw a blade job in WWE? It's been a nice while since a blade job took place in WWE. Blading these days happens more on the indy scene than in WWE, or even TNA for that matter.

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