
Shouldn't every U.S. citizen be productive, hard working and responsible, not depending on BIG Government...?

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so that, in a disaster they can help each other and have the skill to rebuild insted of sitting around for TWO YEARS as they have in the case of Katrina in New Orleans, and beg and complain about how they CAN't get help.

Especially when the FACT is, they just want everyone else to do their work for them, rather than invest some effort toward resolving their OWN problems.

LAZY? or just incompentent welfare no-goods?




  1. YES we should

    I am dependent on myself

    never thought of gov taking care of my problems

    Those that do are the dregs of society and death may well be better for them than sponging off everyone else and blaming their woes on others as they expect others to bail them out

    We should let nature take it course strong survive, adapt or die

    I see everyone else wants to blame someone else other than theirselves what a bunch of something for nothing usless, mindless fools

  2. Amen!

  3. If someone works their entire life you would consider them productive. What if they are on welfare the last 2 years? are they still productive? How many years do you have to invest in society to be allowed to reap benefits from society? A lifetime of paying taxes should be good for something. I suspect that you are trying to amuse yourself by being purposfully ignorant and inflammetory, but good luck if you are not. either way You must be very young.

  4. Well that would make Hog-Washington D.C. a ghost town along with every state capital.

    Would the richest 0.1% still get >34% of the earnings and own >50% of the wealth?

    What I'm wondering is why in Germany, Denmark, France, Italy and Spain, people work fewer hours, fewer days, fewer months and retire younger when they have "socialized" medecine which is supposed to ruin the economy.

  5. oh so

    1. you live in New Orleans right ???

    2. you have helped by volunteering right???

    3. you have been defrauded by your insurance company right???

    4. you have been mislead by your government both state and federal ???(ok we can all answer yes to that)

    If you cant answer yes to questions 1-3 then your regurgitating bullsh!t and the people that really need the help are worse off because of it

    of course there are people that are taking advantage of the situation as there are in most everything else in the worldbut that doesnt mean that there are not people that are not truely in need of help now does it ??

    but thank you, your opinion is duly noted :)

  6. aaaahhh your an idealist thats cute and in a perfect society your answer would be yes.... but lets be realistic people get shot over parking spaces....

  7. "Shouldn't every U.S. citizen be productive, hard working and responsible"

    Do you ever surf the web at work?  Ever chat with friends or coworkers during work?  Ever smoke a cig at work?

    I suggest that we all become 100% efficient before worrying about others being inefficient.

    And that is not a fact sir, thats your perception.  In all honesty, 60% of the people (thats over half) have returned and are working on rebuilding the city.

  8. No US citizen should rely on this government for anything, nor should they feed it any of their hard earned money via income taxes.  

    This government has proven they are corrupt and ineffective and they should not be funded any further.  

    No more income taxes, no more paying the salaries and benefits for this huge bloated and inefficent buearacracy and we all take care of our own business at the local level.

    In other words the states should secede from the federal government and take care of their own business.  They'd be free to make agreements amongst themselves for trade and sharing of resources or whatever.

    The government has shown itself to be a friend of the corporations, not the people, and we the people should get rid of it. IMHO  ; )

  9. great idea.  try to sell that to pelosi...fat chance.

  10. Who do you think actually IS rebuilding down there? I'll give you a hint, it's nobody elected or appointed.

  11. It's NOT their own problem! The fvcking levees BROKE!!!!!!! YOU KNOW WHY!!!!!!!!! Because the BIG GOVERNMENT did not maintain them!!!!!!! Not only did they not maintain them, they KNEW this was inevitable!!!! SO NO!!!!! The people of New Orleans should DEMAND and FVCKING get assistance from this criminal administration that we have!!!

    These people lost everything. Of course if it was some lilly fvcking white neighborhood somewhere in middle America, the story would not look the way it is now.

  12. I don't think that self-reliance is a bad thing, and I doubt many of the people you're referring to do either.  I think the issue is that the government probably could have given more aid if it weren't blowing all of our money on, say, the Iraq War, which hardly anyone even supports anymore.  On top of that, Bush has been so insensitive towards the people of New Orleans that he's just added insult to injury.

  13. Where are you getting your information?

  14. We will if the corporations stop taking corporate welfare and cheating the tax system and using the People's military for their own personal  aggrandizement. Oh, and the tax-payer's monies to fight their immoral war that they currently use to muder and kill to take over other people's property. When they stop thinking that nobody has any privacy rights but them, ect;. Shall I go on? I'm just getting started.

  15. You must be one of those lucky fvckin b******s with no problems in your life.

    plss off.

  16. New Orleans is the greatest shining example of what happens when you get a Democrat Mayor, Democrat majority in th the state legislature and a Democrat Governor continuing their mantra of how it's supposed to be someone else fixing the problems their policies caused.  Listen to the things they all say.  They keep telling people about how they have all the answers, but the only result of all of their rhetoric is a great big nothing leading to more questions about where they put all of the money.

  17. There are way too many welfare cases.  There are too many lazy persons.  There are too many who want the Government to solve all their problems (look at how many Y! persons want free medical care!)

    My point in the New Orleans case is twofold:

    1)  How many times has New Orleans been inundated due to a hurricane, or the Mississippi River flooding?

    2)  When people living upriver along the Mississippi River had their towns flooded, the Feds bulldozed their towns and told them to move elsewhere.  That was the extent of the help given those townpeople.

    So, obviously, New Orleans SHOULD BE CLOSED and the people move some place else less prone to flooding.

    Case closed.

  18. No, I want the government to take care of me, I'm entitled!  The government has plenty of money and is very big, so them must be good at taking care of people (look at our fine education system).

  19. Yes every U.S. citizen should be productive. WILL every citizen be, not if you're a realist. What should be done with them then, just let them go to h**l? Deny them healthcare because they don't have enough money? That's not a humane way to deal with social problems. It's for that reason we will continue to need a welfare state, unless we just decide to become barbarric, which could happen...

  20. I live near there..its on all the news...apply for a Road home grant and get lots of money...I have seen interviews of people saying "I have my insurance but Im waiting on a grant to rebuild"....just Gov handout drones..

  21. Can you rebuild your house if were torn away?  Probably not.  Probably sounded better floating around in the hollow of your head huh.  I am not a Katrina victim so I have nothing lost or gained by your comment.  I agree that some of those people did and still are taking advantage of the situation.  But for the most part, most of them got the money that was needed to reestablish somewhere else.

    Bye the way Carma is a son of bit*h, I hope like h**l you are never in a situation to where some other simple minded person will be saying the same about you.....

  22. I am not on welfare, but I disagree with your theory. Sure there are able body people who could do that, but you forgot about the blind, elderly that are disabled, and people who have extremely low IQ's. These people are not incompetent welfare no-goods.

    You better hope nothing happens to you so that you will have to go on welfare to live.

    My favorite saying is "Life is what happens while you are making other plans" so, you better hope you don't fall of your ladder and become disable.

  23. Thank you for dropping by from whatever alternate universe you live in.

  24. You mean like LARRY CRAIG, who used public bathrooms for his Oral Fixations, or Bush & Chenay, who turned their backs on the VIET-NAM War.  Are YOU WORKING TO PAY THE TAXES THAT KEEP THESE GANGSTERS IN OFFICE ?

  25. yes. just think of this if we shipped every lazy *** in america to foreign countrys south of the hemisphere they would have to work there buts to stay alive because over their i doubt they have ssi,child support, foodstamps. and all that other stuff that dishes out money to the needy and the "NEEDY"

  26. well this situation is very different. see, these people have to start from zero. what can you do with nothing? absolutely nothing. when the hurricane passed and destroyed every thing they owned, these people are now homeless with no type of primary supply whatsoever. it's like when you  fall in a really big hole, you need someone to give you a hand in order to get out. you're stuck so you can't even get up by yourself. well, these people are in a hole right now and they need help to get out. then, they may be able to start fresh. right now, they have no house, no money, and they still have to feed and dress their children and themselves. just like you need some type of money to start a business, these people needs some type of primary supply in order to restart their lives.

    I wouldn't call them lazy, but powerless.

  27. Katrina should happen to you.  Let's see how you cope with having no roof over you, no water, no food, no infrastructure to re-build...  Why don't you get off of your lazy butt and drive down there and help them rebuild instead of sitting around your sofa all day watching TV and making this kind of accusations.

  28. So, in your opinion, the Marshall Plan was Big Government pampering lazy people? Look at Germany now, it took the time to rebuild but to help them do that was a good choice.

  29. Everyone should be productive, hard working and responsible but not everyone is.  I would like to see how YOU react in a disaster and see if you being a "productive, hard working and responsible" citizen would be able to bounce back from such a devasting and difficult moment.  THEY LOST EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!  Try to be more empathetic and understanding because you never know when a day will come where you need the assistance and reliance of others, including the government!!

    Stop being so judgemental, and as the old saying goes . . . "Never judge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes"!

  30. I understand your frustration, but remember, the constitution provides for life (we won't take it from you), liberty(you can be who you want to be within reason) and the PURSUIT of happiness.

    It says nothing about happiness. You don't have to be productive, hardworking or responsible. Our government has created a state where we are dependent on it.

    My mom was on welfare growning up, and to get off of welfare, she would have had to make 30k a year with amazing benefits to break even.  The problem is the system, don't blame the people who make a living off of it. I don't know of one person who holds their head up high and says " I am completely dependent upon the goverment for everything." It is not as glamorous as it seems.

  31. if you have your insurance settlement and dont rebuild because you think Uncle Sammy will pony up a grant for the 'road home" then you are as much a welfare slacker as some project housing slurb that waits for their check every month...and New Orleans is full of them...that Dem mayor and Gov let them sink or float in the days after the storm while they tried to figure out how to ask for help that was forbidden BY LAW from coming in until they asked...the Gov of Miss where the storm actually hit had help ON THE GROUND in 24 hours...hmmmmmm

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