
Shouldn't everyone just become Pagan since it's older than any other religion?

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Shouldn't everyone just become Pagan since it's older than any other religion?




  1. Your right false religion established by Satan was the first religion started in the garden of Eden.  He wanted to be worshiped and in Genesis 6:6 Tells how the other spirit persons wanted to join him in this rebellion.  So yes they were first.

  2. Comments about science not withstanding...

    What your suggesting I think holds merit for some, at least that was also part of why I embraced paganism, but it really isn't for everybody.  Some people just need to be sheep to be led around, and the thought of actually having to make decisions on their own, they wouldn't be able to handle it.  After so many years of brainwashing.....

    But in my opinion, the world WOULD be a lot happier place without any religion that says "My God is bigger than yours."  As everyone attempts to build bigger and bigger temples and towers.  p***s envy much?

    You have been asking a lot of questions lately (not that I think any pagan here minds, we live for pagan related questions =) I wonder, is there a reason to this besides simple curiosity?  Or are we spectacle to you? =)  Like a kitten with a ball of yarn.

  3. Aren't all religions built on paganism in most ways?

    There are so many types of paganism,which are you talking about?

    Maybe monotheism antedated polytheism?

  4. Already there.  

  5. Answer: Absolutely NOT. I would prefer people who LIVE the compassionate portion of their religion to people who follow a religion because it is "fashionable" or because it is an "old" religion.

    Pagan religions don't tell you that you "can do anything you want" and many of them have highly advanced ethical systems.  Judaism is like that as well.

    The difference between SOME modern Abrahamic religions and the older religions is that there is no concept of eternal punishment, and they older religions embrace the idea that you pay the penalty in this lifetime and have to make recompense in THIS lifetime.

  6. I'd love to see scientific proof of that. Proof notwithstanding, old isn't always best. Why don't we watch betamax? it's older than VHS....etc.

  7. Actually Judaism is... Sorry.

  8. But atheism was before that.  My monkey-ancestors didn't even practice it in the exact same way I don't.  That's tradition!

  9. All religions to date are based on fairy tales to give meaning to why things happen.

    Science is the only thing to believe in.

  10. There are many better reasons to be Pagan.

  11. Maybe religion is like evolution and the later ones are more advanced.  

  12. NO!!! GOODNESS HOW IS EVERYONE SO JUST GOSH!!!!!!!well yeah thats what i have to say

  13. I am pagan; but my answer is no because I believe that people choose their religions based on their needs and most people seem to need a daddy figure and a belief system like Christianity or Islam to tell them how to think and what to do.

  14. Older than "In the beginning..."?

  15. That's like saying that everyone should drive a Ford because it was the first vehicle.

  16. No because then you'd have a cult of heathens running around all over creation in an uncivilized manner. Better to have some form of "daddy figure" to expound the virtues of existence than what is reasoned by  Nytelotus in her surprisingly prosaic response.

  17. An interesting idea.  But I'll stay what I am.

  18. That was already attempted, forced religion in Rome. Didn't work.  

  19. Everyone should choose their own path.  

  20. answer: No, as someone said - we wouldn't want all of them.  I shudder to think at some fundies attempting to become good Heathens.  That just.... hurts the brain, my friend.

    To another poster - Beta was better than VHS, Sony just had more money and better marketing.  Sounds like Christianity winning out over paganism, after all.

  21. Zoroastrianism isn't older?

    Aw shucks Debra...

  22. Although Paganism is one of the oldest kinds of religion none of the pagan groups we have today are more that about 50-75 years old. Most are less than 30 years old. Why would anyone want to believe in a religion that is clearly made up?

  23. I'm pretty sure unicellular organisms don't worship anything, so atheism is older by several billion years.

    Unless bacteria are secretly all Wiccans or something.

  24. Actually, various forms of animism are likely much older.  And according to some authors, Pantheism is the most "primitive" and thus oldest of religions. (I'm pantheistic; and not so very primitive, either, harrumph.)

  25. no everyone should become atheist since if you go back even further no one believed in god, at least i don't recall hearing about a bunch of fuzzy tree dwelling animals going to a prayer meeting.  nice to see that everything is now finally starting to come full circle

  26. Not necessarily. If it doesn't make someone happy, they should not be involved in it.

  27. "Maybe religion is like evolution and the later ones are more advanced."

    If this is so, then I am signing up for Pastafarianism.

  28. No way!

    We don't want all those psychos!  We just want to corrupt the atheists, because they're so s**y.  Mmm...  Brains!

  29. Nope they should follow their own path... That and I don't want all the fanatics corrupting it... This is to sophisticated a religion for small closed minds... That and my gods never tell me I have to convert someone or kill them... and I like it that way.... I don't think others could stand it... and before anyone goes off on me I'm talking about Christians too and the crusades...

    Anyway, I already joined.  Now if only we can get a pagan to be president....

  30. The belief in only four elements is older than chemistry too, so should we....

  31. This question just provides more proof that some people on R&S do not have a sense of humour!

    My answer? Absolutely not. I am an elitist and I don't want these humourless people in my religion :)

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