
Shouldn't girls make the first move?

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Lets face it, 90% of the male population wants to hook up. Now why on earth is it looked at as the guy's job to make the first move. We wouldn't have so many issues with being slapped, pushed away, and yelled at if girls would just make the first move when THEY feel ready, but even when they do feel ready they still get too embarassed and wait for us! The right time to a girl is a lot different than the right time to a guy, because to a guy the right time is just about ANY time! You know ladies, theres some of you that will, and we appreciate you!

I'm not having any problems with it or anything, just popped into my head and I'd love to understand this!




  1. If you are being slapped pushed away and yelled at then you just don't know how to talk to a woman. Stop blaming us for your issues lol. Most woman want a guy that wants them not everybody or just anybody.

  2. most guys want women that want them too. i kinda agree. either way ill feel insecure. either ill get rejected, or the girls wont select me.

  3. Hunny, I DO make the first move. If I want something, ill go get it myself, I dont wait for it to come to me =]

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