
Shouldn't i be upset? my mother in law watched my baby today and when i came to pick her up she told me she

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gave her 5 little pieces of carrot cake!!! and she barley turned four months old ! isnt that very bad for the baby who just 2 days ago started to have cerel in her rice her stomach cant handle that let alone sugar




  1. I think I would also be a little upset and concerned about what she may be feeding the child that she may not have mention to you.  No matter if you talk to some people (mothers) about your wishes of how to raise your child, they are going to do what they think is safe and right.  

  2. i would have let her have my hubby's sis in law gave our son coke and icing when he was just 5 months old and he has just started solid as well and i let her have in front off the whole family i did not care cause she did this to his nephews 2 kids ages 1 and 2 1/2 and now that's all they want and i will not let her do it to mine she is such a pain

    my hubby and i talked many months ago cause we do not like her and her opinions on childcare and raising kids all her kids are fat and eat just junk food and drink sodas

  3. i would not be upset  ,   carrot cake will not hurt her , and it was a tiny amount also .    im sure your baby enjoyed it :)

  4. Personally, I would be upset since you havent cleared her on giving food to your baby. Im sure you have given her a regular diet/instructions on what you want for your child. Let her know this again and tell her that cake is not acceptable to give your child. Inform her that before she gives her anything else besides what you prefer to give your child to ask you first. This is YOUR baby! I would be pissed......

  5. Yeah, its not good for the baby to be eating that sort of food so young. Even if it was, it's your choice what to feed her, and I think your mother in law should respect that.

    Plus, not sure what recipe this cake was, but don't carrot cakes usually have nuts?

  6. While yes its alittle annoying when someone gives your child food without asking you, but im sure she honestly didn't realize. She props thought she was doing the right thing... or maybe the baby reached for it and she thought that baby has eaten things before... At least it was carrot cake... i took my daughter up to meet her great grandparents (im 19 so her great grandparents are still in their 70's) when she was 6 months old (and she has just started eating soild food) and my grandma tried to give her a red gummy snake! She just didnt think because its been so long since she had had a baby around and plus in her day they just gave them whatever they had around (as she kept telling me through out my 2 week stay with her every time i told her not to feed my child certain foods) Plus my mother in law just gives her anything they are eating i would really freak me out to begin with when i would come to get her and she is munching on a cheese stick (at 10 months old) but hey her kids turned out fine and what doesnt kill them only makes them stronger.

    Just explain to your mother in law that she shouldnt feed her anything just yet and that you'll let her know when she is ready for solids.

  7. I don't think getting upset will help. Just firmly tell your mother-in-law that there are certain limits you have set for raising your children. First get your husband to agre & back you up. A baby that young shouldn't be eating sugar.

  8. I don't even allow my 2 1/2 year old to eat cake. Your mother-in-law needs to respect your parenting. Your baby could have choked! You should tell her calmly how you feel about the situation. People may think it is fine for children to indulge in such treats, but that is why so many of America's youth are obese.  

  9. I would be very upset!! No more babysitting for her!  She is way too young to eat that!!

  10. Personally I would be upset that I wasn't there to witness my baby's first taste of cake!  That is a priceless moment, but happens for our kids when they turn 1 so maybe a baby wouldn't be as animated about it.  Your mom needs to be more responsible.  A baby that small should be eating solids or having sugar.  Ridiculous.

  11. I think you should assume that she didn't do it to annoy you, but in future you should leave the food that the baby is to have and just gently say that you would prefer that she not have any other food than the food you brought.

    I wouldn't raise the topic of carrot cake, which wouldn't have harmed her, but I know that is not the point.

    Maybe the next time you get together with Grandma, you could let her feed the baby something (we Grandma's like that!) and as she interacts in the coming weeks, casually get across to her your philosophy about child care and feeding.

    Times have changed and we are so much more aware today of potential allergens and the danger of introducing solid food too early, and keeping sugar out of their diet.

    Your mother-in-law may come from a generation where the first solids were introduced to babies when they were 6 weeks old and they were eating french fries and gravy with tea in a bottle at 6 months old - don't laugh, I knew someone 30 years ago who did that with all her kids!

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