
Shouldn't my son have got a 1 in maths and an A in English?

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I would think that the result of a 'maths' exam would merit a numerical marking and an 'English' exam result - an alphabetical one.




  1. As parents we always have a tendency to think our children a brainier than they actually are.

  2. I have no idea what that means. I agree with the other answer (that he should have gotten what he was capable of)

  3. No he should have got what he was capable of.

  4. Ther's a place for people like's called The House Of Commons

  5. what if one was the lowest, ten would have been better, unless it was out of hundred.

  6. I see your point. Mathematics deals with numbers so the top grade should be #1 and English deals with alphabets, letters, grammer, literature, speech, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, dialogues and chapters so the top grade should be A+.

    Mathematics does have alphabets and words and such as 3:14 pi, cosine, tangent, adjacent.

    Mathematics also has letters for math problems substituting numbers for letters asking students to figure out what the letters of these problems equal to in numbers after addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    Mathematics also has words and paragraphs to add details to problems then asking students to solve them with their answers.

  7. Depends what you're asking.  If you're querying the way his grades were calculated, maybe.  If you're wondering why he didn't get top marks then that's because he's not capable of it.  He did the best he could, I'm sure.  Be happy for him.

  8. Scottish Standard Grades are marked with numerals. It's a pretty complicated system but basically the grades go 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 9, with 7 being a fail and 9 being "didn't attend the exam". I don't know why there's no 8...

  9. You are nit picking on this one. The method you suggest would confuse a lot of people.

  10. hahahahahahahahahaha.

    this question made me laugh.

    and no. dont question the system.

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