
Shouldn't our domestic oil production be regulated like a utility ?

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Domestic oil and other resources belong to the nation that governs the land they come from. Shouldn't the government be able to regulate the extraction and deposition of something that belongs to the nation ?

Here in Nevada, we allow Canadian mining companies to take out minerals from federal and state owned lands even without paying any taxes even. Oil belongs to the nation too. And our gasoline and oil is sold abroad while we pay excessive profits to companies that pump it out. Isn't about time to use these for the people of this country ? Or at least pay a high tax for taking it ?




  1. You need to write the governor in Nevada and tell him what you think.  Or get a petition up in your state and send it to the Governor.  If enough people sign it.  You might get something done

    .I write my governor and congressmen  all of the time about  immigration.  That is the only way for them to here your voice.

  2. oil is not a big deal but the government taxes the heck out of gas

  3. Hummm,,,,sounds like socialism.

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