
Shouldn't our priorities be helping people here? in the states, after tornado disasters?

by  |  earlier

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instead of mynamar, or china? shouldn't we put needs of u.s .citizens first? especially with burma's government not! letting others help, and making their own people die?




  1. YES!  YES!  YES!  and YES again!!!

  2. Should be, but you remember what a mess Katrina was.  To this day people are still displaced.

  3. I think so.. They do not appreciate our help and don't want us there.. So let's put all our efforts on restoring as normal life as possible for Americans.. (tax payers) that have lost everything..

  4. You'd think so, yes!  But tell me when has America ever put the priorities of caring for its own people first?

  5. Absolutely...  I agree...

  6. Tornado help???

    The people of New Orleans are STILL waiting for HELP........and you expect this administatration to care about a stinking Tornado in tornado alley?

    I can hear Bush now..........

    "well, they should have built their homes elsewhere. !

    That will teach them!"

    Yeah, like I am SURE he cares.............right......

    I wonder how that hunt for OSAMA BIN LADEN is going......

    yeah........ya gotta love the mans PRIORITIES........

    Only 3,000 in a major US city..........

    let's go to IRAQ!!!!! who didn't attack us!!!!!

    YEAH!!!!   GOOD IDEA!!!!   In fact........let's vote for this imbecile TWICE!!!!!!!  

    Not me, sister.............

  7. we should, but remember New Orleans?

  8. Yes and we do!  Just reading the answers so far is sickening to me - you people are clueless about the help that is out there.  New Orleans is not rebuilt because the people of New Orleans and YOU have not rebuilt it, not because the government didn't do enough.  That's for dang sure!

    We will always help other nations and it is the right thing to do.  We do need to make sure the money is being well spent - which is another problem with the Katrina area.

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