
Shouldn't our worries be how can i adapt rather than how can i change?

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shouldn't our worries be how to adapt when the time comes for the earths healing other that trying to change or stop the obvious from happening ? me personally i think my best investment would be a boat for when all the icecaps melt for a just in case , and get used to eatting alot of fish.




  1. You have a good viewpoint of your own. But I really think that Saving our planet is way better than getting used to its destruction. It is coz though being humans we know what can happen to our planet and can also prepare rselves 4 the same, but the animals and birds have no idea of the destruction that they might be prone to. They too r an indispensible part of earth & they mustn't suffer coz of man's mistakes and foolishness.So we shud try to avoid danger as far as possible than to get rselves prepared for that,as even we dont know the extent of damage that it can cause.YES, we can (and must) learn being prepared for disasters like earthquakes, floods,fire, tsunamis etc.

  2. No.

    Adaptation would be enormously expensive.

    Of course stopping it entirely would be enormously expensive also.  So the best strategy is to reduce it some, and adapt to the rest.  Here's the plan:

  3. somehow, the thought of adapting to no food and no water doesn't hold much attraction for me.

  4. There will be a point where adaptation won't be possible. The air will get so toxic, the waste dumped in the seas will be too harsh on the water, animals and water supply... The plan is to not make it reach this point. Otherwise, no one will be alive to talk about adaptation or change for that matter.

  5. humans are releasing large amounts of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses this has lead to a warming of the earth. its not nature thats doing this its us. so we have the power to stop it.

    BEYOND THE IVORY TOWER: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change -- Oreskes 306 (5702): 1686 -- Science

    scratch the fish idea.

    Climatic Warming and the Decline of Zooplankton in the California Current -- Roemmich and McGowan 267 (5202): 1324 -- Science


    there is allot of work being done on how we can adapt but adapting is generally more expensive then preventing most of the damage and it will only help slightly. prevention is the best cure.

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