
Shouldn't palin be focused on her kids and be a stay at home mom?

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she won't be taken seriously with all that pregnancies and teenage "romance" going on her her family.




  1. Only if Obama has to be a stay home dad. In fact, lets have it so only single candidates and candidates with adult children can run for office.

    /sarcasm off

    Women have the same rights as men to run for office, regardless if they have kids children.

    There is nothing wrong with a husband staying home to support their wives careers.

  2. Shouldn't Nancy Pelosi be at home with her 5 children as well?

    Her goofy husband?  Michelle Obama looks like skeletor!

  3. Why should she stay at home and take care of her children?  Don't they have a father?  Would you be asking the same thing if it was her husband running instead of her?  I'm not sure where you are from, but, in America, we try not to subscribe to that backwards way of thinking.

    Obama '08.

  4. Another smart and concerned liberal heard from! You wouldn't have asked this question if she were a dem, would you?  She will only be 10 minutes from her office and will be able to do a superb job!

  5. This has always been the republican stance that women should stay home and take care of their children.  It is why they are against subsidizing daycare and other family friendly legislation.  Other industrialized countries have mandatory maternity and paternity leaves, newborn care and parent training for all its citizens as well as subsidized government daycare and better school systems with procedures in place to help women work outside the home and maintain a family.

    The GOP has trashed anything that smacks of family values unless it is preventing s*x education and family planning from getting into public education.  Anti choice and anti birth control are major themes for GOP as well as anti equal pay for equal work.

    In GOP World, women should be pregnant and stay at home to care for kids and old folks.  It is the GOP plank and Palin is being a hypocrite when she whines about how "sexist" the media is.

  6. dang, you think her hubby is goofy looking?

    now he is supposed to be off limits now

    but I guess she isn't "her kids mom" in that she stays home to raise them.

    suggestion; her 17year old can raise her baby brother along with her own baby.

    did you see the daughter and boyfriend holding hands last night?

    maybe the McCain's can host their wedding reception in the backyard of one of their 7 houses!

    note; none of Nancy Pelosi's children were MINOR kids when she entered public office

  7. She should no more be a stay at home mom than any other woman with children. I do, however, question what jobs mothers should choose to have. A national politician, whether it be pres, vp, senator, or congressman, will require too much time away from the family that should be invested in children. Working outside the home while balancing a family has always been a fine line for working women to walk. They can do it if they choose their careers wisely. VP WILL result in neglecting one's family.

  8. Instead of a 'chicken in every pot' her slogan should be 'a condom on every p***s'

  9. In your narrow world, perhaps that seems appropriate

  10. whoever made the comparison of Hillary to Palin, is about as smart as GW Bush!!  Clinton doesn't have 5 kids, she has 1, and that 1 is out of college already, not 5 months old!!  Hillary is an actual legislative senator from the state of New York (3rd most populous state in the Union, whereas Alaska is 3rd LEAST populous).  Being a governor is nothing as demanding as being a lieutenant governor (the people who do the actual work, and not just take the glory for it).  Yes, based upon the facts that she's going to have to basically raise baby #6 whenever it pops out of Bristol's womb in February, and has to raise her own 5 kids, plus her retarded husband, it's going to force her to be a stay at home vice president.  Thank God that won't happen, because we're taking the White house in 2008!    

  11. It's too late.

    She already screwed up HER kids.

    Now let's give her a chance to s***w up OUR kids.

  12. Why not have all women with kids quit their jobs then?  

  13. No, but she should be teaching her kids about condoms.  Especially as it appears they are going to have underaged s*x...

  14. Well Im sure when her special needs baby, trig, was up on the stage under those beaming lights hearing the booming cheering crowd..the baby was loving it.

  15. To say that she should stay home with her kids is absurd, she has a husband, and why is all the focus on her and how she raises her kids, why isnt obama at home, or better yet michelle obama is a working mom, so why isnt she at home with their rugrats. I get iritated with ignorant people making stupid comments.It has been a working moms world for a long time, get over yourself. And OMG, her 17 year old is preggers...........NEWSFLASH......SO IS HALF OF AMERICAN TEENS...........what is the big deal? And if I hear 1 more negative comment about a baby with down syndrome again I am going to scream, this child is defenseless, its poor taste to mud sling with minor children, let talk about politics and not who is dating who and what kids are who. I want to know what both parties are gonna do in the white house

  16. I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!  You get the lib poster boy award for the day!  It is the SEXIST LEFT who rejected Hillary Clinton who is now telling Palin to stay home and care for her kids!!! HA!  

  17. So only single, childless people can work or run for office? Makes total sense.

  18. This from a guy who's president thinks his country doesn't have any g*y population?

  19. Shouldn't Obama be focused on his kids and be a stay at home dad?

  20. Display your ignorance proudly!

  21. Shouldn't B. Hussein Obama be focused on his kids and be a stay at home dad?

  22. She should but oil companies…

  23. No, she should be free to do as she wishes.  There is ONE pregnancy, not multiples and its none of our d**n business if her daughter wants to do as kids do.

    Obama in 2008

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