
Shouldn't some races of people have become extinct?

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I'm just asking this question in a sense of logic not at all trying to be cynical or racist, I was just thinking about it and wondered as in some breeds of animals over the centuries they have become extinct because no one helped them survive, would the same thing have happened to Ethiopeans, Sudanese, all the so called Third Worls Countries if the rest of the world hadn;t helped them to stay alive? If we didnt have UNICEF, etc would they all now be extinct ? would only Western Culture have survived ? We continously donate money and fund charities to help these people just barely stay alive, it hardly makes any difference in some of those countries, but the people keep having more and more children and so on it goes, we donate more money to dig more wells and we send them flour and rice and help keep them alive, this is a good thing but i was just wandering if we hadn;t had started this with missionaries helping etc, would some races now be extinct?




  1. No.You only wish this because East Africans are very good looking people. And maybe you are jealous and insecure? Maybe you are jealous of Dutch, Swedes and German people too. And most European populations, as well as Indian populations. The ignorance and insecurity  of your heritage shows.

  2. Yes some, but the western world wouldnt be the only survivors. I think if it came down to it, asians would last longer than anyone. And if something major happened to the world such as another ice age, if any humans did live....I dont think it would be the western world if it came down to just raw survival without money and technology. The races that are in so much need for money now are the ones that would be better adapted to survive on nothing.

  3. yes, definitely it's pretty logical,if they can't eat or drink they die right.

  4. What caused my soul to pop up in the US and another soul to pop up in Ethiopia????  By not knowing the answer to that question, is the reason I should do something about those starving souls in Ethiopia, etc.  "There, but for the grace of God, go I"

    When you speak of Ethiopians dieing off, you must mean as a nationality, right?  There aren't that many races and each race is too numerous to become extinct any time soon.

    If we stuck by the "survival of the fittest", sure, there would be a lot less people.   Heck, they would even be a healthier and stronger bunch...we wouldn't have to worry about getting funding for all those orphan diseases...the folks would just die off and that'd basically be the end of that disease

    I am afraid of this thinking because I am afraid of where it  will end.  

    So, if you have a few bucks and you are up for it, build another well in Ethiopia so that homo sapiens live on as a more human bunch of folks.

    PS  I'm thinking that some of the Western countries have done enough raping and pillaging of other lands, that maybe we owe those countries a few wells.  Perhaps if Ethiopians had all their oil fields, diamond mines, etc...they wouldn't have to go begging for some water.

  5. Well ......this is a pathetic situation ....and absolutely deserves attention ......

    However ..... as "it" is felt a disclaimer statement was necessary before you could even ASK the question .... and by the same token the ANSWER "would" sound cynical or racist .......therefore, we will not hear "it" ....officially ....

    Mathilda is right about interfering with the natural flow of "things" there .....(a bit over the top on on bio-fuels).....we are helping them to live longer in their misery that is cynical .......they had their misery when we were still riding horse and buggy ......but nature was running it's course and they managed to live and die on their own .......

    Now they have vaccinations, satellite TV and religious teaching .....and great-grandchildren that are starving to death .......

    We can leave them alone .....and let nature take it's course ......or ......

    build government housing ...put them on Welfare .... and see what develops .......

  6. there is only one race, the human race!

  7. It may not have led to extinction but in areas where aid has been sent you may have had a massive reduction in the population to a level that was sustainable with the resources that they have as a result.  Its a very good point actually!

    I think alot of what goes on in the areas where aid is sent is education of the locals to precent them from having so many children and to try to stop for instance aids through educating at the same time. So I don't think its as cut and dry as you outline.

  8. no be cause most people can survive of natural thing like wild animals and clean water springs the ehpiopians made it worse for them selves

  9. It depends on your core belief system. If you view humans as a slightly smarter up right walking Chimpanzee,then yes.  If you believe than humans are special and hold a higher place in the universe, then no. No matter what your religion is most teach that you help your fellow man. If you do could things, good  happen to you.(heaven, paradise, karma, etc). Humans are completely different from any other species. No other animal goes to war and destroys the population. No other animal conquers and enslaves members of there own species. Animal don't come new new populations and wipe out other members of their species with disease. Success is cyclical and related to availability of natural resource. Those people in Ethiopia had their hay day a rise to civilization when Europeans were still in caves. They had a much nicer climate back then and were able to flourish. All great civilizations rise and fall. You are just one major catastrophe from being just like those people. So if humans are truly special they should help their less privileged counterparts for hopes when the table turns again that people will help you to survive.

  10. Some have. As the first answerer pointed out, the Tasmanian Aborigine have been practically wiped out. Also, the Andamanese have been reduced to a couple of hundred.

    There's good evidence that a three different races of people populated America before the Mongoloid Indians tuned up and wiped them out. Australoids, Cro Magnons and the Ainu. A more successful breed wiped them out, simply put.

    A lot of people have come to the conclusion that interfering in Africa with aid may have done more harm than good. Giving them vaccinations and clean water but not contraception massively increased their population and is the real cause of their environmetal problems.

    Try to remember though, that a lot of the current problems in these places now are due to climate change and the world price of food rocketing due to us growing oil plants for biofuels instead of rice.

  11. Some races have become extinct. There are no full blooded Tasmanian aborigines left in the world for example.

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