
Shouldn't the CIA be done away with already?

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The CIA has always been a private dirty army used soley by the President. Its history of wrongdoings such as toppling democratic regimes for dictatorships to support the interest of large corporations is probaby thousand of pages long. When people abroad seek revenge on America for its wrongdoings they just call it "blowback." It is speculated that 9/11 itself is a case of this "blowback." There is not any real oversight on what it does by congress nor any other governmental agency and its budget and expeditures are classified which is actually unconstitutional as according to the constitution, the public has a right to see where its money goes. Furthermore it has failed to really collect anything useful and did not prevent 9/11. So what do you think? How long can such an entity that kidnaps people and takes them to be tortured in secret prisons be tolerated by the Amercian People?




  1. I think the CIA should be done away with. But nothing will be done until the American public is more informed on what it is they're doing. And like someone already mentioned, yes we don't really know what it is they do, but if you research online you can get an idea of what it is, and that idea may show you that they aren't all that great. JFK tried to get rid of the CIA and look what happened to him. And I like everything that Thomas said...don't c**p all over what this person is asking without presenting your own information. Everyone has a right to what they believe and don't need to be made to feel like an idiot for believing it. And with that being said...I'm sure you'll all be more than happy to give me a thumbs down =)

  2. Look, I don't know what the CIA does (neither do you, BTW) and I don't wanna know.  I really don't wanna know what things would be like without them, I can tell you that much.

  3. You're so ignorant.

    Do you really think that America shouldn't have operatives to give us at least a clue what's really going on in other countries???

    I bet you're voting for Obama.  Right?

  4. No, Every thing you said is b/s.

  5. The incompetence of the CIA is legendary. They can do nothing right, they are usually completely clueless and have caused problems, death and chaos all across the world.

  6. You are the victim of misinformation by the left.  Do you really want to know why the CIA was unable to prevent 9/11?  It was because of the Clinton administration.  They castrated the CIA so that they could not gather information in foreign countries.  They thought the same way as you I guess.  All you have to do is a little research of the Clinton Adiminstration from information that is not controlled by the Clintonistas and you will see the light.

    Now you want to do away with them?  Shades of Clinton.  So far, the CIA in conjuction with the FBI have been successful in preventing another 9/11, but I'm finished with you liberal know-nothings who haven't a clue that we are actually at war.  If you can't see the obvious, then what's the use of wasting time and effort educating you?

  7. wow you are misguided...stop listening to PMS NBC

  8. Hold your horses.  There may be a need for more control and oversight over the CIA, but we can't eliminate it or our other similar intelligence agencies.  And one massive failure does not mean we'd be better off without it.  

    I don't like those things being done in the name of America and do believe in blowback and that we should realize that things we do elsewhere may come back to hurt us.  But nihilism isn't the answer--we still need our intelligence agencies, we just need them to be better.

  9. Most regimes have their own cia's for better and for worse.

    Not perfect but who is to say that in their own minds they do not have america's interest at heart.

    I'm not american by the way.

  10. When you get older , say 6th grade, you'll start learning about the CIA and things like that.

  11. Wow, you people are ruthless. Do you have any consideration for anyone else? Instead of reminding the questioner of how stupid they "may be", try informing us of the correct information. Apparently everyone who has answered here is just as "misleaded" or "stupid", because I have yet to see any legit information concerning the real duties of the CIA.

  12. You know nothing of what you talk about

  13. Please, for the sake of the world. Never ask a question again

  14. Don't you think that if the US government was really using this org. to do what you say that we would not have spent many years looking for Husein before we found him. If the CIA was involved in any unethical actions, Husein would have been dead in a matter of months not years and besides even if they were or were not involved in 9/11 there is absolutely no way they can be everywhere at the same time. If they could 9/11 would have never occurred. The blow-back that you speak of happens in every government org., not just the CIA. It happens in the FBI and Secret Service as well. You are right in assuming that the CIA are the watchdogs of the US government, but you need to get all your facts in a row before you start making accusations of that nature. The FBI, CIA, and the SS are all great org.s of the federal government and take care of a lot of the, so called dirty work that needs to be done. It is not always a method of preference.

  15. While were at it why dont we get rid of all the intelligence agencies, because then all of the threats out there will respect us for doing so and lay down their arms. After that we can all sit down together at the table and sing Kumbiyah.

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