
Shouldn't the Dem's Ticket be, Biden/Obama and not Obama/Biden? President should have more experience than VP?

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Atleast McCain got that right.....McCain/Palin sounds safer.....McCain is the one with more knowledge, experience, and substance. VP Palin will HELP him as a smart young woman.....




  1. So your point is every President should select someone based on their inexperience?

    Selecting someone who brings something to the party sounds alot safer to me.

    By the way, I would gladly have supported Biden/Obama, but silly democracy got in the way.

  2. You should of told that to JFK

  3. Look, the messiah always gets top bill......

    For his next trick he will walk on water.........

  4. No because Obama is the candidate of change, therefore he is at the top of the ticket but Biden is on board for experience.

    Palin on the other hand is a complete nobody with no experience of any kind who is running for president since McCain is nearly dead.

    Got it now?

  5. Well, the way biden was talking, I think he could possibly be president. So if your voting for bama, you might want to make sure you really want biden!

  6. No, there was an election and Obama won. The people decided Obama was their nominee, millions of ordinary Americans casting their ballot. Their will should be respected. It's called Democracy

  7. In Joe Biden's eyes, yes that is how the ticket should read.

  8. You're right. I remember the Cheney/Bush ticket.

  9. That's the 'change' Democrats are talking about, electing people who come out of nowhere, seem to hate their country, and yes, have little experience.

  10. Biden wasn't popular enough.  

  11. Could not agree more!

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