
Shouldn't the Government do something about this fuel shortage crisis?

by Guest57443  |  earlier

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Does anyone agree it's time the Government stepped in and brought this fuel crisis rationing shortage to an end? The whole country is grinding to a halt.

During these times of rationing I have been filling up my tank every day, because for me a car isn't a luxury it is a NECESSITY. I live in the country and I have got a medical condition.

And yet this morning I had to queue up for an hour and 15 minutes, only to get to the pump and hardly be able to squeeze 61 pence worth of petrol in...! In fact it's a good job I left my engine running while I was in the queue or I wouldn't have been able to get ANY in.

Something must be done about this , before the whole country is brought to its knees.




  1. did you know the government has a tax of 70% on fuel!! thats what i heard anyway. its criminal, everytime the cost goes up they profit from it even more so i bet they are delighted when the price goes up. you think they'd lay off the tax just a little to relieve financial pressure a bit. I'm moving to the UAE where fuel is 18p per litre!!!

  2. Do what? They themselves are causing it.

  3. I'm sorry but I think it's a terrible thing to ask the government to do anything about anything...they don't have the time ...they have to many holidays to go on ...tut tut tut ..REALLY!! what a strange question.

  4. get a horse

  5. The government can't do anything.

    The problem is that we depend on the middle east (opec) for Oil. They have control on how much oil they want to make and sell us. If they wanted to they could cut production enough to force the price of gas to $10 or $12 a gallon or more. That would shut this country down. We depend on their oil.

    We need to find a way to do without their oil!

  6. WHAT FUEL CRISIS??????????

    There will only be a crisis if we all rush to the garage to top the car up!

    we never do this normally and garages don't have the capacity to supply the sudden demand!

    if we are sensible, there will be fuel go round

    it's the chicken and egg thing

    did the panic cause the crisis or did the crisis cause the panic?

    i think its the former!

    i fill my car once a fortnight

    unfortunately, it looks like I'm gonna need to fill within the next few days and she takes a lot of fuel [70 litres] It makes me feel like a hypocrite! but honestly - it's just my routine

    if it happened last week or next week - it would not have effected me - honest!

  7. You are the one causing the problem.

  8. Well I keep waiting, thinking the petrol prices must start going down soon, I'll only put half a tank in because the price is so high today it will surely go down in the next couple of days, but i keep waiting waiting waiting and the price keeps going up up up.

  9. If people didn't panic and rush out and buy all the petrol there was in the country in one day then there wouldn't be a shortage

  10. Get a bike then

    Ps Good work in keeping the panic going it will make the fuel run out quicker. lol

  11. If every one stopped panic buying, garages stopped rationing and profiteering - then there would not be a "crisis"

    Do you listen to the news?  They have enough reserves to carry them through the strike (2 days for the love of pete)

  12. The Government needs to stay out of this.  These are market conditions and the last thing we need is the Government fiddling with the market.  as prices continue to rise, the Government will have a lot more issues to deal with, such as falling tax revenue.  Less products are being purchased including gas and diesel.  These products are taxes at the point of purchase.  Thus less tax revenue is being generated.  That will get the Government to do something.

  13. jumping the gun arent you. what fuel shortage. there is no fuel shortage. its to bloody expensive, yes

    still plenty to go around but the cost needs to come down. it costs me half a days wages to fill my car up from empty. WTF !!

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