
Shouldn't the U.S. ban smoking as in Bhutan and have free medical care?Since smoking is banned,very few people

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get sick in Bhutan and medical care doesn't cost the government much. The key to affordable health care in the U.S. is also making smoking illegal.




  1. The United States has learned from past lessons on banning something

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    By the way the banned item will spawn a new organized crime venture to make money on it

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    And to have free medical care in the United States is like creating a whole new debt that no one can imagine what the size of it would be

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    And the health care would drop considerably because of all the watch dogs and over seeing what is needed for the patient

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    And a second opinion would be something of days gone by when the government had to pay for it

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    So just think when you go to the emergency room think how many of these people here are going to pay the bill or just make a settlement on how much they can afford with the hospital

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    In Cincinnati Bethesda Hospital had to shut down the hospital in town and open one in the suburbs because of all the non payment patients

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    Who should of gone to University Hospital about 2 mile away

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  2. Outlawing tobacco would go a really long way toward cutting health care costs in all economies, socialized or privately-funded.  However, I believe that smoking and tobacco are tolerated by most capitalistic economies mostly for one reason:  Killing off enough people before retirement age so that those who actually reach retirement age will be able to have a higher standard of living, regardless of how their retirement will be funded.

    One approach to managing smoking behavior that has never been considered is this:  Eliminating addictive substances in tobacco, so that people can smoke occasionally, and not become addicted.  If nicotine were entirely removed from tobacco by law (A nicotine-free tobacco does exist.), people might find smoking tobacco unsatisfying, and would gradually adopt other behaviors to alleviate boredom, etc.

  3. We can not even stop people using illegal drugs, how can we ban people from smoking? Your idea is a very good, realistic appoach but it will not work in this country. Believe me, this approach will work under communism system.

  4. The govenment should ban individual thinking so bureaucracies can mandate what is best for us. Then the government can give us what they know we need for free by taking our money and distributing it more intelligently than we could. Finally, when we get old enough and actuarially are of no benefit, the government can prescribe a pill for us that will rightfully terminate a non-essential life. Welcome to Watership Down.

  5. Well for one I think if youre stupid enough to smoke then you should get to smoke. I am also for legalizing marijuana, simply because it would cut crime considerably, though I am not saying I would do it. And "free health care" isn't free. There is this thing called taxes that will raise and you will have to pay it to pay for "free health care".

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