
Shouldn't the new President of the United States be colour-blind?

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Sorry if my statement confuses you. I'm not very good at understanding politics. Here is what I mean.

That chap Obama that is running for President seems to be all about black this and black that etc. Surely becoming President of the United States means that you put yourself forward to serve the people of America (no matter WHAT race etc.). Why is the fact that he is black mentioned. Are we not all equal. Do you think that if he didn't mention anything about the fact that he is black he would get more votes.

Please help me to understand this, are we all not of the same race i.e. THE HUMAN RACE. A black person and a white person are exactly the same in my opinion and both should be served on an equal footing. Do you think that if people ignore the whole we are black we are white thing it will eventually go away? Who cares what colour someones skin is.

I'm 18 and am starting to get more involved in world politics and so would love your opinions. Thanks!




  1. Point out was a great strategy to win minority a point but the rest of us hate it.

    I'm half and half.....and I wish they would leave it the h**l alone.

  2. I think Obama is since he's a black/white American. Can anyone who's not a specific lineage understand the pitfalls of their heritage? Doubtful. Does a rich man who was given his money understand the hardships his ancestors went through to gain that wealth for him? Doubtful. Do poor people here have a clue what poor in Africa is? Doubtful.  

  3. They call this strategy pulling out the race card.  In 99% of the cases, the blacks are the only ones who can use this card but instead of using it wisely, they use it whenever they don't get what they are looking for.  At one point in time it was a good card to have in your bag of tricks and it worked pretty well, but now it is used so frequently when they don't get their way it has lost most of its value.  Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson have just about worn the race card out.  This card is used mostly for suing but can be used in Politics to gain Pity Points, but most thinking people see through it.

  4. Who was the first person to bring up the race issue? A white southerner female is who.  I could care less if he's black as long as he gets the job done. As for Mccain I say no way, his remark about the Iraqi war being a 100 year war turned me off. As a former POW I feel that he may just be looking for revenge some way and if he gets elected we will be in Iran or some other country figjhting a war that we shouldn't be fighting.  

  5. With all the things going on I think he should. No one pays attention to black people, and he's going to be the first president that has.

  6. trying to ignore the differences between races  as though they didnt exist is part of the problem...there IS a difference between black and white culuture.  Just ask any black person if they consider themselves different than white people...All the liberals in the world sitting around singing Kum BY ya isnt going to change that. We have to accept that people ARE different but can still live together in harmony if we have the same goals for our socitey

  7. You know for someone as young as most people who are clearly interested in politics its pretty awesome you have taken up interest in politics.

    I believe the same thing you do but apparently there are some pretty ignorant people around. I think Obama can do american some good but because of his colour, it poses a problem to some who cant get over the "race" card.

    Im not american so it has nothing to do with me but from what ive seen and heard sometimes change can be good. With the economy suffering maybe it might improve

  8. How I wish there are more people like you in my's Malaysia btw..

  9. The "human race" thing is a sweet idea and I even agree with it in an abstract sense, but it's not practical. People will always find something to disagree with each other about, and like it or not, some of those things differ specifically down racial lines. the NAACP insists on the term "African-American" for their race, while conveniently forgetting that the name of their own organization violates that. Some hispanics want to be here to make a better life for themselves, while La Raza is trying a policy of "reconquista" (reconquering) and last but not least McCain doesn't know that he's rich just by the fact that he owns more than one house, where many in the country can't afford to buy even one. There are major differences in the races that can't be ignored if one is thinking logically.

  10. because he will be the first black president. and it will change alot, all over the world even.

    From whats happenen in the past with black people not having rights and being slaves, to a black person being a president, some people are REALLY against it.

    now i DON'T live in america but i hope he wins.

    but you are right, we are all equal

  11. Yeah.. I agree, to a point. He's playing the "race card".  

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