
Shouldn't the places that employ undocumented or illegals be able to obtain a work permit for these people

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from the federal government?




  1. The only reason they are here working is because they are cheap.

    If they were paid the same as citizens and had the same rights, why would you hire an illegal that speaks no English?

    If you hire these people, their health needs to be checked, they need to be covered for medical and to be bonded for any wrong doing they may do.

    Also, Americans should get first crack at being hired.

    If this was they case the majority of illegal helpers would not be here or hired.

  2. Because then they would have to pay them a living wage.

  3. Using a stolen ID is FELONY FRAUD.

    Whatever "service" you perform while committing a FELONY is not justifiable.

    Lots of criminals perform som esort of "service" as well...this doesn't make you exempt from the law.

  4. Are you serious? NO they should not. Illegals should not be hired for any job in the United States and anyone who employs them should lose their businesses and all possessions and do jail time!!!!! What service can a criminal provide? They can spread diseases and many work with food, I do not want them touching anything I am going to eat. These are illegal invaders, they need to be deported and nothing but!!!

  5. No,those places should be hiring Americans and if they don't,they should have their business taken from them. All illegals should be deported.

  6. No, the employers should be given a one-way bus ride to federal prison.

  7. Accountabillity has to be placed on the employers, who are not only breaking the law but exploiting human beings.  Why should either of them be rewarded.  Besides, when these illegals have the same rights that the rest of us have, they will cease to be so attractive to these immoral employers.  So if you sympathize with these people you should hope such a thing never happens.  Then they'll just be an extra unemployment statistic.

  8. Apologists for illegal aliens lie like rugs.  Those who used stolen identities do untold harm to the people whose SSNs and/or IDs they steal.  There are US citizens who only discover that a dozen illegal aliens have been working on their SSN when the IRS presents them with a bill for income taxes to pay for all these illegals' income taxes.  Illegals manipulate the withholding system  by declaring enough dependents to ensure there is no withholding.

    Fact of the matter is, these companies could have gotten work permits for many of these people (agricultural visas haven't filled quotas in years), then brought them in.  Some companies are too cheap to pay the fees and do the applications.

    But mainly, many illegals deceive employers by using fake IDs, especially stolen SSNs -- when the employer verifies the SSN it shows up as valid.  The employer thinks he's hiring legal workers/citizens and does not need to get visas for foreign workers.

    The illegal aliens who induce an employer to hire them by using false, forged or stolen IDs are the ones who should be prosecuted and heavily fined for this deception, instead of simply getting away with being deported.

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