
Shouldn't the wealthy have to pay for the incarceration costs due to their support of unlimited immigration?

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Think of the social programs and medical costs of having an unprecedented illegal population residing within our borders that drain local economies as well as social services for our own citizens? And these same powers that be insist that they are unwilling to share in the cost burden?Socialized medicine is already in place as I can assure you that illegals receive as good as I do without any documentation- its' an insult to every American.




  1. Actually, the wealthy are generally very strong supporters of stopping illegal immigration. You see, they are the ones footing the bill for the welfare programs that the libs keep giving to illegals

    Cribber-That is a very good and well thought-out answer!

  2. If anybody doubted that mass immigration is a disaster for the UK the coming crime wave, racial tension, overcrowding and loss of real British national identity  will remove any doubt.  

  3. Until recently, many of the folks that came to this country had sponsors.  Wealthy or poor...  if you want a national from another country to come to this country, you should sponsor them and those folks were not allowed to file for welfare.. they turned to their sponsors.   That had the effect of severely limiting the burden on the American People who did not benefit from the work of the foreign national.  So if you demand guest workers, that is the way it was done in the past, and the way it should be done now.  You sponsor them, and take responsibility for them.


    The Republican Convention is actively suggesting the sanctuary cities be penalized for their political stance.  The Republican Convention is moving toward censor of the illegal aliens and if McCain and and Palin accept that, and they are elected, I think I also see the end of the nightmare.

  4. Why attack the immigrants or their employers?  Why not campaign to end welfare programs themselves?  Yes, let us end ALL welfare.  That way, only those who work hard will be rewarded and no-one will be enslaved by the "needs" of others.

    The currently fashionable xenophobia in the U.S. is immoral.  No man or institution has the moral right to arbitrarily restrict another man's movement or association.*  If you want to end terrorism, attack the states which sponsor it.

    The demonization of capitalists is also immoral and self-defeating, as the wealthy are the ones who create the most jobs and make life possible for most of us.  America should welcome immigrants and stop the kind of cry-baby protectionism which is now affecting the U.S. economy.  

    *Yes, there are special cases like individuals with contagious diseases or individuals who initiate force against others (criminals), but the principle remains.        

  5. Why should every wealthy person pay?  And who is to decide who is wealthy and who is not.  When you paint any group of people with a braod brush, you are more of a problem then they are.  Why don't we just say black people should have to pay for supporting the prison system since so many black men end up in prison?  Or maybe we should say all fat people should have to pay all the cost for medical insurance for all the rest of us.... it is ridiculous.

  6. No, those who benefit from exploiting their fellow humans to increase their profit margins should not be required to return some of their ill-gotten gains to help the society that they are harming.

    After all, none of us would have employment if it were not for the wealthy( I guess that includes businesses that employ illegals?).

                                         Dare says so..................

    How wealthy could a company become if no workers agreed to hire on???

  7. No.  The supposition of your question is wrong.  I earn a very nice living, upper middle class.  (By Obama's ridiculous definition, I'm wealthy....but it IS a ridiculous definition.)

    Where on earth did you get the mistaken impression I and my peers support illegal immigration?  Most of my middle class acquaintance feel as I do.  I am strongly anti illegal alien criminals.

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