
Shouldn't there be lesser penalties for 'chance' rape, than intentional rape?

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..i mean, we all know the analogy as with homicide and murder, right?




  1. What the h... is 'chance rape'?  You don't accidentally rape someone.  There is no 'unitentional' rape.  Rape requires one of the people to exert extreme force on another.  You do not do that by accident.

  2. There is no such animal as chance rape.    SLS????

  3. No.

  4. Yes, absolutely, since the principle of innocent until proven otherwise has seemed to go by the wayside, e.g. M. Nifong, Durham County DA, NC, Duke Lacrosse case, it is clearly an issue which must be addressed to protect the innocent who are falsely accused as this is a gross miscarriage of justice in US law.

  5. why ? are you planning on having a chance rape , sorry but you will get the same years of jail as intentional rape!

  6. It's possible to accidentally kill do you "accidentally" rape someone?

  7. I have never heard of chance rape, and googling didn't even bring it up.

    Rape is rape. It is forcing someone. If you can even get hard to do it knowing someone doesn't want you, you need to see a counselor.

  8. perhaps if the men faced this vile action as a threat in their day-to-day they wouldn't be so quick to demote the negative affect this has on people.

  9. Because rape is still perceived as a sexual assault by men aginst women and contrary to all the hypocritical equality clap trap judges and lawyers and the police force think this way.

    What are the chances of your getting laughed at or scorned at if you report as a man a sexualy assault????

    THINK !!!!

  10. Yes as is for other crimes...e.g theft vs robbery.

    'chance' rape could be for pure s*x but intentional rape is always for gaining control.

  11. On principle all rapists should be executed. I have no illusions that these people are capable of any kind of reform. There is no accidental rape. There is no circumstance where one can say that it was a justifiable act. Rapists deserve no mercy.

    This is from a guy who doesn't even kill bugs. I carry them outside and set them free. Even the poisonous ones.

    But I know that we are NEVER 100% right about anything. That Duke lacrosse is obviously an example. Then you hear about the people who spend 30 years in prison only to find out that the actual perpetrator has already been executed when the DNA evidence is analyzed. There was even one guy who was executed and it turned out he wasn't guilty.

    There should be no distinction between any form of rape. Its a reprehensible act no matter what the circumstances. The punishment should be severe but not irreversible. Just in case we have the wrong guy.

    Thats my take on it.

  12. What the H-E double hockey sticks are you talking about?! There's no such thing as "chance rape."  Rape is rape. PERIOD!

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