
Shouldn't they have done another scan?

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Hi Everyone,

i had a miscarriage towards the end of June (at 8 weeks pregnant )and chose to pass everything naturally, i didn't bleed as much as i thought i should have and when i told the nurse at the hospital she said that the sac might have stopped earlier on so i wouldn't have a lot of bleeding.

my question is that don't hospitals have to do a scan at the end of the miscarriage to check everything has been passed, so there isn't a chance of infection?

thanks for any answers =D




  1. ask them to do one. you have a suspicion so be on the safe side and take care of yourself.

  2. I miscarried three times (and have three healthy children) and never had another scan.  The doctor checked to make sure that my uterus wasn't closed, which means that I was expelling everything.  I also had the blood drawn until the level was down.  I was surprised that I didn't bleed that much also.  I thought I would be in a lot of pain and have gushing amounts of blood, but it was more like a heavy period.  Try not to worry and remember that a miscarriage is natures way of saying something was wrong.  You decided to pass everything naturally and that is just what you did.  

  3. I don't know firsthand but I'd assume they would just to make sure everything is ok.  Maybe you could request one.  I'm sorry you had to deal with that.  Good luck in the future.

  4. they should have booked you in for re-scan, if you have a walk-in-clinic for early pregnancy, just go there and let them know your concern. i went through a miscarriage on sunday and was asked to come in 10days later for another scan, i think you should call them and ask.

  5. I think they can tell if everything is cleared up by a blood draw?  I don't know if you have had one of those or not.  I had a tubal pregnancy and after my treatment the doctor performed a blood draw to make sure I had no more HCG in my blood.  I never received a second scan.

    My doctor kept doing blood draws until my levels reached about 5.  Maybe you should ask your doctor for another scan or blood draw.

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