
Shouldn't we all educate ourselves about certain topics before attacking them or defending them?

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I'm an atheist, but would never dream of personally attacking the belief of a Christian before reading the Bible (though I wouldn't attack their beliefs regardless). I also believe that Christians should educate themselves about atheism before attacking atheists. Furthermore, Christians should all read the Bible before citing it as evidence (same with followers of all religions).

I also believe that a Christian should not attack the concepts of evolution and/or ambiogenesis without reading up on them. This also means that atheists should not declare to all the world that evolution is the only way unless they, too, have fully educated themselves on the topic. By this is mean reading excerpts from Darwin and other prominent evolutionists, because they know it best. Atheists should know the Christian perspective of creation by having a knowledge of the religion, even if they don't believe it.

Just my perspective. Not meant to offend anybody.




  1. Certainly very good points on all counts! I kinda wish this section of Y!A ran more like that...where we could just ask questions from those who have different  beliefs, and get straightforward answers (and not be put down as a twit, stupid, ect.)

    Although the debates do make it lively, I must say!

  2. Whilst this is a valid arguement for the real world I should make a point here. This is a community moderated internet forum. Flaming, trolling, insulting etc is what happens here. I doubt many people here mean their insults to their full extent and very few regulars get offended. If you want a serious and informed debate yahoo answers is not the place to hold it.

  3. You make a good point, and a very mature one at that, BUT, I do study certain issues in depth before I'd ever discuss them with a Christian/Muslim but it turns out to be futile cause they will use the excuse "you just don't understand it" 9 times out of 10, in other words "please shut up and stop pointing out the violent,sexist,homophobic negative parts of my religion cause it's making me uncomfortable so I'd rather lie and say you don;t understand it"

    That's what I've found

  4. this looks like a good place for my favorite quote.........

    "The first man to raise his fist in anger, is the first man to have run out of ideas."

    This applies to heated discussions, where-----when people get boxed in and their pre-conceived notions get challenged..........they unfortunately resort to name calling.

    It 's always a sign that intellectually, you have them beat.

  5. That's going to take the fun out of YA for a lot of people.

    Aren't you attacking their right to have fun?

    (You see, you can't win)

  6. Yes to the original question, and Yes to the following, to answer or ask something you have no knowledge of is showing yourself a fool lest you're asking in honesty.

    When we do so we're not doing so from a point of strength and that's why we get as they say hung out to dry, or left with our A... hanging out. But all is made right in the wash.

    but, there is also common things we can if we choose to communicate on, just as working on a job side by side.

  7. The thing is, many atheists have already been Christians, so we know what makes Christianity tick.

    I agree with you main point though: The less ignorance the better!

  8. I completely agree with you, actually.

  9. I was a Christian for 15 years , so I can attack .

  10. It certainly would cut down on the number of posts claiming things to be truth and real with no supporting evidence but, then too it would also make R/S less entertaining.  

  11. Education is always a plus but no.

    Conflict is beautiful.

  12. I totally agree.  

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