
Shouldn't we be like Kenya where u can only smoke in a few outside areas?Otherwise, outside smoking is not al-

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lowed. We could have 2 or 3 outside sites in each state where smoking is legal. Maybe a city as large as New York should have one legal site, but not too large. We don't want to make this filthy habit too easy, or weak and poorly educated people may continue to throw their lives away by smoking.

No goofy replies from smokers, please.




  1. You can't force people to take care of themselves. If after educating them they still decide to pursue unhealthy activities then that is their choice.

    I'm all for banning smoking in public buildings because it makes life a lot easier for people like me(severe asthma/allergy sufferer) but banning smoking outside is extreme and unfeasible.

  2. No.  Smokers should be able to smoke outside if they want to.  There are enough impertinent laws already telling people what they can do or not do.  People who smoke are not 'throwing their lives away' any more than anybody else is.  Everyone is going to die eventually, whether they smoke or not.  Get used to it.

    Honestly, I don't know what's happened to you Americans, i really don't, I thought you were supposed to be all independent and against government interference?  yet you seem to want the government to interfere in every aspect of people's lives. Whatever happened to the old Revolutionary spirit?

  3. They also behead people in Kenya'

    I do not smoke or drink. I figured when you want to be like something, or some place or somebody, it pays to look at the whole picture.  You cannot just choose the parts that you like and disregard the rest. If you want to be like Kenya as re: to smoking, you must consider the rest of the picture.

  4. Smoking is the last concern for people in Kenya because they are starving. A filthier habit than smoking is being ignorant. You might want to quit.

  5. Sure.  Lets also only make one fast food restaurant per state, sunblock applicators mandatory in all showers to be sprayed on after showering and force people to walk on treadmills during all spare moments.

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