
Shouldn't we boycott companies that have only one goal..... putting other companies out of business?

by  |  earlier

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or take them over for more control?




  1. The "B" word...

    You will have to get them to insult the USA or disrespect the flag, like them Dixie Chicks did...

  2. No, absolutely not.  We should buy the products that best suit our needs and wants, getting the best quality for the best value we can find -- always and without exception.

  3. Yes, we should. But will we? Everytime something like that comes cup, we get a lot of smoke, mirrors and distractions. A good number of people fall for them and there your are.

  4. I boycott , boycotts that only have the goal of putting companies out of business.

  5. companies  fight  to secure first positon in the this they have to race other countries i.e defeat other countries in their,theres nothing wrong in that.if u dont race other companies in the business then how do u become no1.

  6. I never shop a Walmart for that very reason.

  7. Ermm! yes yes and YES!!!!!

  8. i love fight club too buddy, but it is just a movie.

    Ppl via corporations, are out to make money, its just the way it is. Either jump on the bandwagon or don't...

    There is no entity trying to take over the world...

    Greed has already done that...

    But complaining about it and planning a revolution never put food on my table.

  9. In the case of electric companies, it becomes more difficult, but yes I agree, we should take them over.

  10. Et Tu, Brute?!?

    "Aaaggghhhh!  The Barbarians are at the Gates!"

    Release the Krakken!

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