
Shouldn't we have a nude protest like this one in Canada, to show Americans are not prudes and care about the-

by Guest59078  |  earlier

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environment? Here's the story: =

OTTAWA – About 75 cyclists gathered in an Ottawa park Saturday to protest what they call their "indecent exposure" to pollution – and many were wearing nothing but sunglasses and sunscreen to drive home the point.

The nude cyclists were outnumbered two to one by tourists and passersby.

The protest drew a few horrified looks from elderly tourists, but most people seemed to be having a good time.

The nude cyclists were protesting oil dependency, as well as the danger they feel riding their bikes on busy city streets.




  1. Yes, a naked bike ride might be useful to help disprove the  notion that we are prudes,  but how it translates into a protest about oil escapes me.  It would be nice if we could have a naked bike ride for no reason except that we WANT to and not have to cast about for reasons and excuses somehow connected to oil, the environment or whatever.

  2. Cool I'm where is this going down?

  3. There's no way that I could ever take a casually nude person seriously. It's indignant.

  4. Not running around naked has nothing to do with being a prude.  I think that it just makes no point to protest oil dependency by running around naked.

  5. yes

  6. both canadians and americans need to relax with all this pc c**p

  7. The nudity was geared at attracting attention...and they achieved their goal.  If they were merely a group of 75 cyclists protesting, it wouldn't have made anyone's radar screen.

    As for the prude issue in America....good luck with that one.  Any country that allowed impeachment hearings for a president because he had an affair is far beyond prudish.  Yes - I know - the preceedings were supposed to be all about Clinton's lying...but be honest - the vast majority of Americans thought it was about the affair.  And, as a result, the USA became a laughing stock among the rest of the world for being such ridiculous navel gazers and prudes...

  8. People protest everyday and the only thing it accomplishes is making themselves look like the a******s that they already are.

    We have too many protests anyway. If you want to protest oil, don't buy gas. Ride a bike or walk. City streets were built for cars, ride a bike on side streets or use the bike path.

  9. I don't think Americans need to prove they are not prudes.  Who cares what Canada thinks?  I also have trouble with the idea of sitting on a bike seat, with nothing between me and the seat.  That's just gross.  I'm against oil dependency, but a stunt like that isn't going to help anything.  What we need to do is open up our reserves, start drilling in Alaska, and off the coast of Florida, start mining shale in the Midwest, etc.

  10. nudism like anything else - when overdone, gets boring. throwing all the dead animals and fish killed by pollution in the middle of the street might be more to the point with signs saying, "it's not just the animals that lose their lives and health - they're just the first to go."  Or, "did you ever wonder where all this cancer is coming from????"

  11. More power to them. Something like that could never happening in the States without some politically correct hick filing a lawsuit.

  12. Anybody that rides a bike nude is asking for chafing. Going around nude isn't going to change anything.  It is in America:

  13. it is an interesting idea, but you'd get arrested!!!!! plus, people are already doing protestes everywhere but none of them are doing any good..........

  14. News flash:

    Americans are prudes, and in most states around the USA, you would be arrested for not being "decent"

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