
Shouldn't we have more capital punishments (executions) to relieve overcrowding?

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I mean I hear about repeat child molesters/murderers and other horrible horrible criminals geting life sentences.... what's the point?

Why paste so much tax payer money to stretch out a miserable life?

I think 5% of the incarcerated population should be executed every year.

What do you think?




  1. You may not realize that the main reason our prisons are overcroweded is that we lock up non violent drug offenders for long terms.

  2. I believe in the punishment fitting the crime, but there are always concerns of wrongful convictions and this is the one thing that makes capital punishment so sensitive to me. Serial killers/ rapists with hardcore evidence should most definately be executed!

  3. i agree there should be more capital punishment BUT it costs more to exicute someone rather then to put them in for life, which is why we should tie em up and shoot em if they comit a terrible crime cause you put em in for 10 years they'll run out and do it again no sick minded person can be rehibilatated period

  4. I believe in an eye for an eye.  Killing off some of these people might be a victory for them, ya know.  Why give them what they want?  If you molest a child, you should be molested all day, every day, for the rest of your life.  If you murder, you should expect to face the same fate.  Let the punishment fit the crime!

  5. I believe that anyone one who does premetated murder, rape & molestation. as soo as they are convicted they should be excuted and I believe that it should be public where people can see and know that if you do this that is what will happen i think that no rapist/murderer/molester should get injection i think that hanging and stoneing eletric chair. is the more approite excution for people like that.

  6. Are you volunteering to sacrifice yourself to relieve societal overcrowding? That would be incredibly civic-minded of you. Now imagine yourself a wrongly convicted non-molester on death row. You would be just as miserable as you are now. Would you still be willing to offer yourself up? Just remember that paste makes waste.

  7. I think you are probably demented.. Have you heard of the Constitution?

  8. Susan makes an excellent point.  In addition:

    - Since it cost WAY more to execute someone than to imprison them for life (look it up, it's not even close), why not halt executions altogether, and put the extra taxpayer money to work building more prisons, hiring more police, etc.

    - Since violent crime rates are higher in death penalty jurisdictions, there's a good chance that eliminating capital punishment would lower the crime rate, and decrease your prison population that way.

  9. YES I DO <

    without a doubt it would slow the crime rate as well if they knew that it would result in DEATH, not just forever being taken care of in a prison.

    If they have ROCK solid FORENSIC EVIDENCE only.

    why are honest hard working armed forced dying in IRAQ send the prisioners!

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