
Shouldn't we start cutting down less trees?

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I mean we're getting rid of homes for certain animals aren't we? Could this be a slight cause for extinction?




  1. Yes and No.

    Yes, due to the oxygen that thwe trees produce for us to breath and live so with fewer trees, the more air pollution that will cause.

    No, because I think, (I can be wrong here) there is a lae that says when you cut down one tree, you have to plant two in replacement. This has been done in the northern parts of Ontario, Canada for some time.

  2. What is your bedroom furniture made of ?

    NICE TRY.................

  3. Most wood operations have strict guide lines to follow. What ever they cut they need to replace. they select certain areas to be cut. Trees are a renewable resource that most companies want to keep, otherwise they are out millions/billions of $$$

    There are those that still use bad judgment and they need to be brought around to the smarter way of thinking. The biggest problem is greed

  4. smcgili is right, but he is wrong because we are cutting them down faster than they can grow back.

    the first answer is right too. i want to cut back on cutting down trees, but it is true that my bedroom furniture is wood, and so is my desk, and my kitchen table =(

    but i do beleive schools need to cut back on paper BIG time.

    all those flyers and print outs are useless, and should be sent out by emails.

  5. Well, I think we should stop cutting down the Rainforest!!!!!!!!!! It's so unfair and mean to the animals, but I think that as long as we plant 7 trees for every one we cut down, it would make the tree population better. I also think we should consider the animals. If there is an animal in a tree, don't cut it down.


    It is the cause of extinction for many animals who use trees as shelter.That is why i recycle,because it uses the stuff we call scrap-paper and makes a brand new piece of paper.

  7. trees are a renewable resource.  that means they grow back again.

  8. We should have been cutting down less trees for a long time now. It's a massive cause of extinction.

    Unfortunately the lumber industry is SO powerful, just as powerful as the oil industry really.

    That and many people don't really seem to care about what gets deforested

  9. The harvesting of trees is what needs to happen!  If you don't cut down the trees, the undergrowth explodes and dies and becomes a fire hazzard which means DEATH to the trees.

    Tree forests need to be replanted, and most companies that harvest trees do a decent job of replacing the harvested trees with saplings.  It's in the company's interest to replant these trees!  It's what keeps them working.

    Like others have said, "Trees are a renewable resource."  Just because you LOVE a particular tree doesn't make it yours!

  10. Maybe. But much timber is grown for use in construction of homes and other normal uses. These forests are managed under specific silviculture practices and crops are rotated just as normal agriculture crops. The harvest period is just longer.

    The National Forests also cut timber for the same uses. As long as they use a good selective cutting method and not clear cut every acre then this is good for the health of the forest.

    Where the world needs to look at reducing the cutting of trees  in areas where the trees are being clear cut for farming yet the soil and the terrain are not suitable for farming. Thus the land is void of the trees and soon the crops because the land isn't suitable for farming. Erosion begins and adds sedimentation to the creeks, rivers and watershed.

  11. i think that we definetly should start saving more paper and cutting trees down less. i think that it is rediculous how much paper we use in a day.

  12. Habitat loss is a major cause of extinction and that is why development is not allowed in areas that may affect endangered species (at least in the US).  Urban sprawl is a major cause of habitat loss.  

    And yes we are cutting down fewer trees.  Paper companies are recycling more as well as cutting capacity.

    That is a reduction of 342,000 tons of paper making capacity per year, quite a few trees.

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