
Shouldn't welcome legal Immigration?

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We keep hearing the problems arising from immigration but too often we do not hear it separated into legal and the illegal immigration. There is a real difference and we should not place legal immigrants in the same category as illegal immigrants (illegal aliens).We have a true need for immigrants and we open our arms to them. We DO NOT need illegals and any effort to make those who illegally enter the United States, to provide them with employment, or any tax funded benefits should be strongly opposed by all citizens and immigrants legally here. The illegals are hurting not only the U.S. citizen but those who are here legally. Why are we not hearing any solid stand on this issue by the Presidential candidates? Are they all afraid to take an open stand and voice their real opinion on this issue? Should we not be forcing them to openly state their position before they are elected and find they have a debt to pay to the illegals?




  1. Dusknow has a good point and one I am not sure has been discussed much in the past. Legal immigrants are bringing illegals into the United States and harboring them. Any effort to get the illegal immigration problem under control should include provisions for voiding the presence of any legal alien who aids or abets an illegal alien, and along with the illegal alien, immediate deportation!  The illegal alien problem is becoming as serious as the war and probably has far more serious consequences to the immediate welfare of our country than global warming and environmental problems. It is people like Hilary Clinton, Giuliani and Harry Reed; those people who support giving amnesty to the illegals, who are allowing these problems to grow. We need to take action now - stop arguing for and supporting the illegal aliens, get them out of the United States now and do what is necessary to protect the country, the citizens of the United States and those immigrants and aliens who are legally here!!!

  2. All immigration should be stopped until we can get the border secured and a handle on this situation. Legal immigration should resume after that has been accomplished and a ceiling put on the number of legal immigrants that can come here. It is imperative that we secure our borders and then address the issue of the illegal aliens that are here.

  3. We already do. It is illegal that is not welcome.

  4. As states cut school funding left and right, all of our children—native-born and immigrants alike—are receiving a poorer education as a result of the federal government passing its immigration law enforcement failures on to the states. The implications for the coming generations of workers, our future economy, and our long-term competitiveness in the world cannot be ignored.

    If the federal government remains unwilling to undertake serious enforcement of the United States' immigration laws, it will eventually be forced to provide massive federal education funds to the states. A far more logical and cost-effective alternative—and one with considerable pay-offs in other areas as well—would be to substantially reduce illegal immigration.

    Without a serious commitment to do just that, the open borders and lax enforcement that allow millions of illegal aliens to enter the U.S. each year—and to obtain driver's licenses and other official identification documents with virtually no fear of the law—will continue to undermine the will of the American people, suck dry our communities' financial resources, and imperil our children's future

  5. I absolutley agree with everything you said. I think Duncan Hunter feels pretty strongly about this issue, and hes trying to solve it.

  6. I don't believe any right-thinking person in the US is against Legal immigration.

    Unfortunately, the open border advocates are trying to equate those of us against illegal immigration with being against ANY immigration, and that's just not true.

    Check out the stance of most of the 1st tier Republican candidates, you'll find that they have spoken out about this.

  7. The trouble with legal Immigration is that the legal emigrants", are sending for "their" own", illegal (people) emigrants to come to this country from their own natural country that has not seniority as far as economic growth. The legals in this country "know" our laws" better than we do and they "use" our" own legal system against us.("US")

    They come here on a "visa. They learn well. "Laws, city government, Mafia, corruptions to its "maximum; and then turn our legal system to work" in "their" favor. I do not believe that as "poor" as some of our "own "states are", you can not convince me that "we as our own statesmen" can and do turn down work. "Yes, there are people who will not do certiant jobs. However that pertains to the "rich" and the poor. Enconomic development", is everyones problem. Our presidential candidates are just that", candidates. Whomever gets into office", "it is not him. It is the responsibility of the overseers, "senators, congressmen, representatives, city government, councilmen and above all else, "the people them-self". Once the door" is opened to "one family member ( whom might be good? )then it is open to "Pandora's box". "No one person can "read another persons mind. "Their "first impression is all we have. Every family has a black sheep member somewhere. Whether it be short or long distant members. I do not read in any paper on this continent that all types of  Americans are "flarking to other countrys because it is better. Immirgrants", are "mulity "colored" people". Does that mean this is a mulity races war? No; it doesen't. "Humans, pick and choose what "they "think", is best for "one alike suite". When things are mixed, it becomes a figure for the crooked minded. You have visited this issue growing up in grade school's 1thru 12. The difference between the old and new is that , once the old found out they could not hold on forever and that the needed "human" strength and stupid people to follow their dream and promis empty ones, it worked to some extent. However briborary, came into a strong play "to the have nots" and the hungry. It is of my deepest concern, the we as americans, close our borders so that we can evaulate ourselves on what we "can do. Theres no guess work here. Know a mans or womens" complete life history."And they must have done "something wrong in life no matter how small; does not mean" what they have done calls for impeachment, because of a not so talked about issue. One thing is for sure for me. I am "not lost. Nor do I have to look to my mother land", when my mother land "is the "United States of America". "I", am "Not", confused. Are you?

  8. I'm with you! Just get Homeland Security to start doing THEIR jobs and stop stalling the thousands of foreign applications that are stuck in red tape. Maybe the ILLEAGAL's  will get back home and apply like the honest, hard working, fee paying, legals waiting anxiously for their approvals.

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