
Shouldn't you have to contribute more (in taxes) than you take (in welfare) in order to vote?

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Those who oppose.. do you let your kids set their own allowances?




  1. Anyone who voted for Bush in the last elections should not be allowed to vote since they are not smart enough to make a intelligent decision.  Instead we should ship all of them to Iraq so they can live in their own mess.

  2. Shouldn't you have to prove that you own both a sense of reason and empathy to be considered moral enough to vote?

  3. There are lots of ways to contribute - military service, peace corps, local community service, jury duty, participating in political activity and performing social work.

    Of all these ways of contributing, writing a check for taxes is the easiest and least burdensome for the rich (but not for the middle or lower class).

    Millionaires who pay just the few taxes because most of their income is sheltered, are the worst leaches on the country.

  4. Yes

    but the dems would never allow it.

    They would never stand a chance in an election then.

    "read the constitution"

    Well if you go by the original version then I regret to inform you but black people and women can no longer vote.

  5. No, you shouldn't have to contribute more in taxes than you take in, because taxes were established to keep our government going and growing. Welfare (TANF) is  to help the misfortune. I think the question should be is what are we doing as a community to help those on welfare? Are we disrespecting them? Are we downgrading them? Or, are we making individuals feel less then, because they fell on hard times. We've all been there at one point in our lives whether you admit it or not.

  6. the 'original version' of the constitution reluctantly did not give all the right to vote, and while the founding fathers generally did not believe in slavery, but they believed they should first worry about establishing the union and worry about slavery, right to vote, etc. later.

  7. Do it that way and the Democrats lose 90% of their "base".

  8. read the constitution   and the answer is NO  all citizens can vote

  9. The unemployed shouldn't have the vote?  That sounds *very* equitable.


    Once you start deciding who can and can't vote, you don't really have a democracy.  And I'm pretty sure you people are big on that, based on all the firepower and so on.

  10. In a big picture sense, "We" (the nation) are taking in more welfare benefits than "We" contribute to taxes (deficit).

    Based on your logic of fiscal responsibility, none of us deserve to vote.  Considering the last seven years and our current front runners, I might just agree with you.

  11. There are people out there who paid taxes with less whinging than yours and they have been unfortunate to have had to rely on welfare you are lucky so for but dont whinge if you get sick ~~

  12. Wow that would be the end of the democrats.

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