
Shouldnt our troops be able to take a vacation now since iraqs parliment and our polititions are soon?!!!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. .........


    30 days isn't enough for people who is GIVING THEIR LIVES FOR US!

    I just hope they come home--and soon!

  2. We should leave the green zone altogether till those bozos smarten the F up.They can gaurd themselves till then.

  3. they don't want us there - i am sure they wouldn't care what our troops did as long as they were not there.

    send the politicians over to hammer out a peace agreement - don't let them leave till it is done.

  4. They do take vacation- 30 days a year right from the start. Well we call it leave not vacation

  5. Why don't you give the troops a vacation every time Congress goes on recess?

    (Makes as much sense as you comment.)

  6. Stamped.


  7. Definatley. Ofcorse it can not  be managed the same way. All of our troops can't just say, "Okey, everyone pull out for next week!". It would have to be a rotation. Otherwise there would be chaos.

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