
Shouldnt the Bronx be the permanent home of the All Star Game?

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The Yankees have the best fans in baseball and the best team of all time so they should be rewarded. The Yankees players got cheered and Red Sox players got booed thats the way it should be every year. The other changes MLB should make is requiring the Yankees to have at least 7 all stars a year and forcing the Red Sox players to play for the National League. Wouldnt this be great for the game?




  1. Yankees fans suck. Well atleast the ones like you. This is a pretty dumb idea. It's amazing you have the mental capacity to even operate a computer.

  2. no. i like that the ASG is in different places every year. and im a yankee fan.

  3. That's stupid because the point of the all star game is to experience different stadiums.  

  4. lol, best fans.  Your a moron.

  5. you are definitely biased for the yankees!  only yankees would watch how you want to do it!

  6. totally agree with u that yankee"s have the best fans..but keeping the all star game in the bronx is just stupid like really..and no putting red sox players on the nat side is such a dumb idea the play in the al keep them on the al team

  7. That's quite disrespecful and ignorant of you as a baseball fan in general to say that. I have respect for the yankees AND every other ballclub that contributed in making baseball such a well known and great sport.

    basically what i'm trying to say is, suck it up ya whiny baby and tell your offense to get some runs for Moose!

  8. then that means that every other baseball fan wouldnt be able to go to an all-star game. thats not very fair. plus, some yankee fans are bandwagoners.

  9. wow yet another yankee fan wastes my time

    you and the cubs fans are all the same


    (by the way, we have the best fans in baseball)

  10. Your question is simultaneously arrogant, hubritic, Narcissistic and idiotic.  The statement that you made about booing red Sox players shows how unsportsmanlike Yankee fans are,  That day those guys were on your team!!

    If you are a typical Yankee fan, I am glad that I gave up my allegiance a long time ago.  

  11. yes it would, its what needs to happen

  12. Hey, that's a great idea. But it has to be played in the original Yankee stadium. None of these nice new ballparks with their high falutin luxury suites. Plus, why let these cry-baby multi-millionaire players play. It should be between players who were in the league back when Baseball was real - in other words, before 1973 and the evil designated hitter rule.

  13. It would be terrible for the game. And, no offense, but you yourself have proven that Yankees fans are some of the worst in sports. And no all-star should be booed. The Yankees did not have seven players who were good enough to be all-stars this year. Your ideas would make the all-star game less entertaining than watching C-span. Again, no offense.

  14. No that would be retarded.

  15. You are making an example of the opposite of what your trying to say by saying it (If that makes sense) moron

  16. Wait as soon as I saw "Yankees have the best fans in baseball" I stopped reading, are you freaking kidding me!

  17. pretty stupid idea

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