
Shouldnt we all be in the first time or is it not too be that way?

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Shouldnt we all be in the first time or is it not too be that way?




  1. Your wording is very confusing.  

    If your question is about if you should be "all-in" the first time you fall for someone, then I'm afraid you're just going to have to find out the answer for yourself.  

    I felt that exact same way when I first fell for a girl.  The end result?  Eight years of chasing shadows and my entire pre-college life spent missing opportunities with very worthwhile girls because I was being "loyal" to a girl I didn't talk to that much and ended up thinking I was a creep.  

    I know how it felt, though -- no one was going to change my mind then.  So I could tell you that you shouldn't look at it that way, but chances are you won't listen.  I'm afraid you're going to have to go "all-in" and see how it feels.  

    I hope it works.  I hope you're braced for the disappointment if it doesn't.

  2. Yeah stick it all the way in the first time but go very slowly with lots of lubrication.

  3. Well in my personal experience, it just wont be to unkind to fathom. You will always find that the findless is most likely

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